
All of LH seems to be aimed at the clueless 22 y/os who are just out of college and don't know basic life skills. I'm 40 and Frequently think "well, Duh!" about the articles.

Dedicated e-reader for me. Tablets have such crummy screens (as do laptops, expensive phones and the like) that they're impossible to read for more than a few minutes without getting a headache. Then you run into issues that both traditional books and the above share, they're just not friendly for long travel.

I'm sorry you went through that, but when you're on the other side of the fence it's different. When you KNOW that every cent you put on a card is backed by cash in a savings account and you pay off the balance, in full, every month... then the APR doesn't matter. I haven't had a fee-based card since an Alaska

It's the Amazon Rewards card by Chase Visa. And we put absolutely Everything possible on the card (though I tend to have mercy on small mom&pop shops for purchases under $20 and pay cash then, I hate saddling those small businesses with additional fees, ditto on tips for service workers). Even our mortgage runs

Like another, I get $25 worth of free Amazon money every month, doesn't cost me one red cent. Who cares about the APR?!!? Even when I was poor and living in the back of my Jeep, I never carried a balance... call it proper money education from my folks.

Speaking as someone who's been working IT since 1995, it was OTHER IT people who drove me away from social media (back in about 2007~8). I've been totally radio silent since then, zero accounts on any of the sites and have been working for myself.

The most Important thing to understand about insurance is what it does.

At one time it Was very good. For instance, my Whole Life plan, bought on my birth day in 1974, has a side fund with a GUARANTEED 5% return. Can you guess where I have my emergency money sitting right now? Actually, I have a bit more, enough to cover the premiums. Nevermind that I can annuitize that policy (get

I'd get more joy from perforating it with my 308 at a mile distance.

Ahhh, the 1990's Were a good time. :) I remember being laid-off from one job, took a month off for a sanity check, then was working 6 days after faxing resumes and making $10k more.

Sure, the original Xbox. Picked one up for $20 back in ~2002ish, had the Red-Green flash going on. Dropped in a solder-less mod chip, swapped out the 20gb HDD for a 60 or 80 I had sitting spare, installed the very early/original XBMC and was rocking the earliest version of a HTPC. It was wired way back then, but

Nope, comics have never appealed to me.

Yup, I devour e-books.... and it's a very unacceptable replacement for my Sony Ereader (PRS950). I tried it for awhile, but the screen gives me headaches after an hour or so.

I'm still kicking myself for buying a tablet as it's proven to be one of the most expensive mistakes I've made in quite a number of years. I simply can NOT find a good use for it, in every case there's a better option. Replying to email (or anything that involves making words), it's clearly my laptop with a

Been staring at computer screens since the late 80's, still have 20/20 (uncorrected) vision. Only get headaches if I go for more than 4~5 hours without a break, so I take breaks.

Well, you did alright till you tossed your bias in there.

I'm right there with you, 6'4" and currently 245-ish. Funny thing is that I did a hydrostatic weight/body fat measurement a few months back and even with ZERO fat (a condition no human can survive), I was still "overweight" by the BMI. At 246lbs I transition from overweight to obese... with 16% body fat.

lol, that's fine by me.

Gah, BMI was invented by a mathematician who reverse engineered the "formula" from known numbers....

You're making an assumption that I join in on conversations in the first place (I don't, horribly introverted offline). I already remain silent, actually I usually go one step further and remove myself to some place where there are either no people, or at least no people talking.