
Egh... I'm like your dad, perfectly comfortable in the cold (our thermostat runs a program of 6~8am :62, 8am~4pm: 58, 4pm~8pm: 62, 8pm~6am: 55) and am usually in my normal socks, pants and a short sleeve shirt ~ no shoes in the house. Sometimes I'll have a cold day/moment where I put on a flannel long-sleeve shirt

There's another risk (speaking directly from personal experience) of completely killing that thing which you once loved. When what you love becomes what you have to do to make ends meet, it really drags everything down. I'm still astounded by the fact that it took 2 years to completely kill something I had been so

Thankfully I'm an adult with basic cognitive skills. It's pretty easy to tell when a server is at fault vs the kitchen. "Most" is not a word would use, "similar" would cut it though. Really bad service is more rare than really good service, thankfully. Really good food, on the other hand, is near impossible to

You tip for bad service? Wow. I'm usually having a conversation with whomever is in charge about the server(s) if I have bad service because it's what *I* would want done if I had an employee performing poorly.

Nah... men grow beards because they're lazy. Or at least that's *MY* reason, and the reason of all the men with beards long enough to freeze that I know...

In the interest of discussion...

It's not a pain, you just have to use your expensive phone to make a actual phone call. I know, you probably haven't ever tried that feature, most people don't, but it's there and really Does work. Instant communication isn't necessary and those people you're grumbling about probably would rather you NOT bother them

Sounds like something better assumed (the worst, always assume the worst), and then when it IS the worst, negotiate.

Or go somewhere with enjoyable winter resorts (MT for me) while everyone else deals with massive winter headaches (Atlanta, my home). lol, though it HAS been warmer here in MT than in GA a significant number of days in the past few weeks. ;)

*Yawn* Enjoy that tin-foil hat there neighbor.

What tune would I change? I don't think I'll EVER change my opinion that cookie-cutter shows you don't care, at all. And unique/custom doesn't mean that you HAVE to support any industry you don't like.

This is a once in a lifetime purchase (well, you at least ought to think so at the time despite stats), don't cheap out. That doesn't mean you have to spend tens of thousand of dollars (I bought my wifes after 8 months on unemployment for $4k with most of that on a credit card that had 0% for a year), but you Don't

I never said anything about generating income, simply not Costing you money on a month by month basis if you lose your source of income.

I say this every time, but "assets" don't take money FROM you when you're down on your luck, out of work and scrounging for money to buy food. Liabilities do...

Hate to say it, but motivation comes from within. You either want to do it, and thus Will do it, or you don't. Starting point is irrelevant because everyone has a completely different starting point.

That's exactly what I was going to post...

Even with a push-stick, tablesaws can still chew up things pretty fast. Did this in 2012 while trying to reface kitchen cabinets. After all the medical bills, we could have had custom walnut/cherry/whatever units built And installed.

My wife and I had ~$110k in student loans when we got married, no CC/other debt (owned our vehicle ~ yes, singular for 2 people, outright). We did buy a 2nd car, but had the cash to pay for it and paid it off within a year, then bought a house. We threw every cent that wasn't employer matched at the student loans

I understand that, quite well actually. My wife was military so we've been all over, from small and rural to medium and large cities. There's a little varience, but not THAT much (we did DC -> Wyoming - > Denver - > rural GA). Actually, the last move from Denver, CO to rural GA made our food bill (and all others)

Takes all kinds. There's Zero cell service, of any kind, for 15 miles in any direction of where I'm spending Jan and Feb this year. While I can stream in the house thanks to a fiber connection, that's it. There's no radio either (well, maybe AM since I haven't tried it), so if we want some tunes on the way to the