
I think there's a lot of misconception about my personal perspective. Yours is a thoughtful post, so I'll reply in kind.

Err, you're kinda of making my point.

You're confusing what *I* feel and do with what *others* feel and do. I don't see the need/reason ~ similarly, I'm not into PDA. Maybe my wife will grab my hand from time to time, but that's her initiative, and I certainly have never given a second thought on other couples doing the same. Don't know that I've ever

Yes, I'm aware of that. But you're saying that only homosexuals can fight for that right? Why does one NEED to come out to work against that law? I'm sure one would have to be very comfortable with the world knowing their sexual preference when they step into that fight because someone will "out" them in the

Maybe this is just my conservative upbringing, but why does Anyone need to "come out". Who gives a rats backside what someone's sexual preference is (past wanting to get in that specific persons pants)? I just don't see the need to go around and broadcast your sexual preference. But on the same note, I don't CARE

At 40, yes. At 35, I was feeling like I had a good start. At 30, no way and at 28 I was begging money from friends just to pay rent when I couldn't find employment (first/last/only time and it lasted 3 months past my savings).

Heck, I'm on a $9/month "dumb phone" plan with a flip phone from 2007. Zero interest in being bothered with anything other than an emergency. I even have texts blocked right from VZW ~ if it's important enough, you'll call and leave a message as needed. I might even have the phone with me to get that call (though

Sure there is, I just did it for my wifes phone about 6 weeks ago. Went from a Droid X to a Droid Bionic, so 3G to LTE... no SIM to needing a SIM (bought both the phone and sim on ebay).

And I wouldn't have spent the last ~15 years growing a beard (since I was 25). And no, I don't shave anything else...

We're saying the same thing. We spend ~$2k/month give or take a hundred or two for 10 months of the year, and the other 2 a good bit more than that as we're buying travel (flights/hotels) and the other month we're on that travel.

Er, #2 (increase credit limit) has a caveat ~ there's a point where having too much "potential for credit abuse" (as it was put to me) is a Negative on your overall credit score.

The first price... that's been a steady price for over a year continuously (according to personal reviews)? Yup, I'm an uneducated sucker all right... *sic*

Ugh, I'm so ashamed. I got wrapped up in the "deals" (online, from home) and splurged. I'm sure most people will laugh at it, but I just blew 2 weeks worth of earnings...

Honestly... leaving. Getting home where it;s just the wife and I'. Maybe it's because I'm an only child of parent who moved 1000 miles from their parents, but I'm very much not "family oriented' like my wife. So, now, after surviving the "family obligation", after arriving home, is the best part of T-giving dinner.

I already owned a Sony Ereader, use the snot out of that thing too (as does my wife with hers). But the tablet is a failure as an ereader replacement, doesn't work outside, keeps me awake/wired if used before bed (which is my normal reading time), slow, battery needs charged 5~6 times more often, etc...

Ah, see... the key difference is that I hate "smart phones", have never owned one, won't touch one and hope that I can continue to find alternatives (though I seriously doubt it, I get the distinct feeling that cheap, non-data centric phones are going to go the way of POTS lines). I, honestly, would rather go

Heh, yeah, I'm reading and posting here with just my mind. :P

Alton Brown has a Couple methods for Turkey... I've mixed and matched for my personal preference. First is the brine, I cook 3~4 whole birds a year (yes, seriously ~ I really do love turkey... I once made one AND a ham with the primary purpose of making the Worlds Best club sandwich ~ heh) and have for nearly a


I've been where you are now. Then I got to wondering why the Pros (I saw it on Americas Test Kitchen first, then an Alton Brown rerun) were using something different. There are lots of reasons.