
I just timed from ambient (60's) to 32 (cup of iced water I left sitting for a few minutes) at 13 seconds. That's right about the MFG specs:… say about 15 seconds from ambient to 32 OR ambient to 200, and it definatly reads faster in the low to middle 100's, such as when

Not having the scratch to afford the real deal, I bought myself the $20 Thermaworks RT600B (same company, not as fast, but faster than pretty much Everything outside of the Thermapen).

What's WRONG with you. :P I make whole turkey about 4~5 times a year... though I can't hardly stand to eat the dried up 'thing' that most people call a turkey. It's all in how it's prepared.... cooking a turkey starts a day before by dunking the whole thing in a brine, and finishes in about 90 minutes on a grill

Is there anything different? The only added activity are presents, and if you haven't bought/wrapped them by now, you're behind the curve.

Is there anything different? The only added activity are presents, and if you haven't bought/wrapped them by now, you're behind the curve.

I have to laugh.... there are 2 laptops in my house, an Acer (wifes) and a HP (mine). So far, nothing has broken or failed on my HP, it's been a flawless machine since purchase in 2009. Granted, it's an Elitebook (business class, not consumer*), but in the year that my wife has had her Acer, it's dropped dead twice

Lots of people working odd shifts. I've done everything that's been mentioned as well as a few more over the years.

Having just gone through the process, while CM is BIG and well known, I'm finding myself attracted to other developments. LiquidSmooth is my current favorite though I also really like the Miui ROMs, and would suggest you look into them as they're more 'iOS' like (apparently, I did apple products twice and won't make

It's worth noting that Nokian offers an Excellent All Season, M&S rated snow tire. I'm just at the end of the life of my set of WR G2's (and had the original WR before that), they were every bit as good as "dedicated" winter tires, only no worry about running them year round. Heck, I've had them on since moving from

Yayforsoup, I couldn't agree more with...

Sorry no. And my shop of choice when I lived in MD is now out of business.

1 key difference (in my mind), we weren't forced into that situation, we could have rented a place from some other landlord here, living where we chose not where we Had to. Boomerang kids tend to be at home because they Don't have an option, or they're too lazy to be bothered to try. I suppose it's a "yes" because

Anyone know of a "paid for your answers" type place that's centered around something other than IT? For instance, I'm a professional motorcycle mechanic, winters are killer dead time for me now that I live in the South (used to be prime snowmobile season) ~ I sit on my butt more often than not. It'd be nice to fill


I've been a Gallery user since ~2003 when I bought my first digital camera. G3 (current version) is Much easier to install/configure, and is even a 1-click process for most hosts that use Softaculous. But it is on the "power user" end of the scale. The few times I had issues, their forums/community support were

What, no meat-eaters at LifeHacker? You don't instant-read your temps? For shame, one of the Best improvements in the quality of meat I've encountered (apparently I was an over-cooker,except for the very early episodes where it was charred on the outside and frozen in the middle' ~ lol). Anyway, not being able to

None normally, when I'm on a solo motorcycle/kayak or hiking trip, then I haul my old flip phone.

I bought one in 2000 and then got rid of it in 2002 (needless expense). Work required I have one again in 2007, and they also paid for it, so I've had one continuously since 2007.

You realize that's a Verizon thing, not a Google thing... right?

Ohh, we don't use the VZW stores to buy anything ~ WAY cheaper places online to do that. Anytime you're dealing with a live sales person, chances are Very good that they're getting commission and will pressure you to buy Everything they can think of.