
Agreed with Brotherhood. Great game, had a lot of great memories. The gameplay and story were simply amazing. I don’t get the love for Black Flag though. Honestly, it’s crap. I’ve played through every single AC, and Black Flag was just not that fun. Ditto on Rogue. The ending was a trip though. AC4 and Rogue

Don’t know anything about this game, never heard of it, but looking at the trailer, looks like Suda’s attempt at a Dark Souls kind of game with that Grasshopper style. Looks interesting, especially with that super syringe cracked out super move thing at the end.

Well, it definitely is for me. I’ve worked as a mobile game dev and producer for 11 years with my first love being console and PC games, so I definitely have perspective on this. I never wanted to pick up an Apple TV until now that there’s more functionality on it compared to the Amazon Fire TV, Roku, or any other

In your viewpoint, that is so, and sure, you’re free to feel that way. Who knows how its going to do, but its just another option that’s available for the consumer. One that is going to do well. Apple is great at combining things that other have done in a way that makes users want to try it and use it.

It differs significantly because of the library, or the eco-system like I mentioned. Users will be able to access their iTunes movies and music in addition to having all of their favorite media apps (Netflix, YT, HBO, Showtime) all in a single box. It’s easy to understand to the basic consumer - it’s literally an

It’s the eco-system. All of the people that use their iPhones and iPads and are used to using that now have the Apple branded set top box in their living room. It’s easier to get them to adopt that than a Wii because iTunes and the App Store is there to connect all their media together. It’s the perfect Trojan Horse

They really should have hit up Bluepoint or Armature.

My question is why do companies continue to use High Voltage Studios? These guys seem not very adept at doing porting work. Weren’t these guys the ones responsible for the botched PC Arkham Knight port?

Let me chime in on this one having worked in Japanese gaming companies and getting the Japanese business mindset. They’ve basically been stuck in the late 90’s and are going through some serious, if not crippling growing pains.

You know what I don’t get, why aren’t Square, Sega, Capcom, etc. not just buying or offering to fund the development of the game rather than C&D’ing the thing? As a business move and a sign of good will to the fans, it’s a freaking no brainer. I mean clearly, they can see that the people that develop these fan remakes

Do you have a link? Would love to read it!

Having been raised in Japan for a short time, and even working for a Japanese company in the states, I honestly think its the result of Japanese corporate mentality mixed with modern day corporate behavior from the West. Ever since the US has been focused on short term gains for stocks and investors from the mid-90’s,

This looks awesome. I was wondering what Kamiya was up to with ScaleBound, and this is it. It’s like taking Monster Hunter and adding in the action from Devil May Cry. As soon as I saw the MC go around slashing the knights, I was thinking how awesome it would be if the combo system from Bayonetta and the air combos

THIS. Kratos sucks, and the girl seeing him as some kind of good person really made me disgusted. Although God of War 2 is my favorite out of the trilogy (New Game+ for the win), I always felt that Kratos’ motivation in GoW2 was nothing more than the temper tantrum of a man-child who couldn’t take any responsibility

I honestly think the only reason why these games failed to take off is because there was barely any marketing. Vanquish was published by Sega, and they are notorious for being imbeciles in the marketing department. W101 was a Nintendo thing, and that was marketed poorly too.

I think what bothers me about spammers the most from my experience is that they aren’t really that good in the first place and have to fall on shit tactics to win. That’s what makes it not fun. There’s no variety or randomness to how they play - it’s like a robot. I’ll give it to the original spammer in figuring out a

Wrong. Kojima did have a hand in it. As a matter of fact, KojiPro was involved in giving feedback for the gameplay and general external production dealings and ultimate signoff. KojiPro also was involved with production duties for MGR. Platinum develops it, KojiPro signs off on it.

Yeah, less is more, I think. I was hoping that the fatalities would keep in character, but its progressively just gotten out of character since 3. Its just weird and just disgusting now.

Two things:

These are all devices that have 512MB of RAM. 2K probably wasn't able to get the game to run without running out of memory. The current iOS devices that do run have 1GB of RAM.