If you think any form of unemployment is a stress-free, kick-back holiday, you have never been unemployed.
If you think any form of unemployment is a stress-free, kick-back holiday, you have never been unemployed.
I must be in the extreme minority based on numbers, but I’ve massively cooled on Nintendo, and I wish I could play the small handful of excellent first party games on other platforms, because, to me, there is nothing else compelling about the Switch. Over the years I’ve found that:
“should never of happened”
What a weird timeline. We have the Final Fantasy series moving towards being a button-mashy brawler, and the Like a Dragon (Yakuza) series moving towards turn-based RPG.
We all spend a lot of time arguing about what makes a Final Fantasy game, as if the series didn’t immediately establish right out the gate that it was about reinvention and not being beholden to a specific framework.
Interesting that so much is mentioned but very little about the mechanics. Final Fantasy is also a game where you wander around the world searching for items in odd places, secret bosses, and ultimate weapons. FF is a game with elemental alignments and type advantages. FF is a game where you have party members that…
Streaming might be an option in a country with modern infrastructure like Estonia, but not in third world countries like most of the USA.
I don’t think you understand; they are only calling this a “moral victory” because the right doesn’t care. The conservative/GOP/right wingers will make shit up and when called out on making shit up, will make up more shit. They don’t give a shit about facts or debate. They think whoever screams the loudest wins.
We can’t bring ourselves to believe that moments like this represent anything more than a moral victory; demonstrations of hypocrisy only affect those inclined to shame.
$69 billion is an...EXCESSIVE amount of money being offered by a company that has fallen afoul of regulators in the past.
A lot of weirdly strong defenses of two insanely large corporate entities merging into a much large corporate entity with very little benefit to actual users in these comments...
Oh I’m watching this one. The last time he was on there, I about burst a blood vessel laughing. Chris Rock came back for a skit too.
Transphobia isn’t murder. If you say it over and over again and try to convince others of it, it still isn’t murder. Dave never said anything transphobic.
If speaking FACTS that men can’t…
Helena Taylor knee-jerk reacted by posting immediately, attempted to sabotage the game’s release and provided absolutely no proof to her claims.
It seems that what likely happened here was that they promised the OST with no intention of contracting Mick to do it. That the version that they had cooking internally cobbled together from the game tracks was always supposed to be the single and only version of the OST. When Mick went over their heads to get a…
When there is as much documentation as there is, absolutely.
Because a company was right the last time suddenly they are always right? How lacking in nuance is that? Every situation should be judged on its own independent context.
This one comes with actual receipts.
Contractor for Electronic Arts/Mythic/Broadsword here, worked on Ultima Online, and this all rings absolutely true; the industry is absolutely riddled with sociopathic people who think abusiveness is the same as motivation, who change their minds constantly because they chafe at the idea of conforming to any kind…
“including for an 11-month stretch without pay”