
I've been saying this for years. Console gaming will never be dead, it's just that the set-top box will be replaced with something that can be taken on the go.

I disagree. FPSes can work on a touch screen, it's just that most are implemented poorly. Try Dead Trigger 2 on iOS or Android. I've gotten to the point that I can't play FPSes with a normal controller anymore because using a competent touch solution is way more intuitive than twin sticks.

Wasn't that green stuff supposed to be the antidote? They mixed the turtles' blood with the virus and it was that green stuff. I was under the impression that the master tube that David Fichtner's character synthesized needed to be mass produced to sell? But at least they had a master batch that they could sell to

I agree with all the points you listed. I really liked how they updated the personalities of each of the turtles from the previous movies, and for once they actually showcased how bad-ass Splinter was! In all the movies I've seen, they make him look like this decrepit old rat that can't do anything.

The poisoning New York and curing the citizenry thing is a nod to the concept of "creating a problem to sell a cure". If they create the problem, but then go "hey we have this medicine to cure it", the money comes in. That's all it is.

I'm telling ya, remodel the PS Vita with mobile phone capability and it'll sell. Dedicated gaming devices just don't cut it anymore. People want convergence on their devices.

I was going to say the same thing. The choreography was great, but it's more Chinese martial arts than anything Japanese. Kind of wish that it had more authentic Japanese stuff in there, because at this point, anyone watching a martial arts flick is going to equate any martial art except MMA as kung-fu/wushu. I

I would actually pick one up if I could use it as a phone. Not necessarily in the shape of a phone, but if I could speak thru a wired mic, do text messages, AND play some real games, I think it would speak to a lot of people who only want ONE device in their pocket.

I think that would be a great idea also, but Sega's marketing department absolutely sucks hardcore. There must be only one person dealing with it (or a group of inept ones) because they have absolutely no reach.

When I went and watched the segment on Invisible Walls, I don't think Marcus Beer was exactly wrong. He makes a good point that once you become a known face in your industry, you're going to be asked your opinion - it just comes with the territory. It's up to you how you want to deal with it.

I actually bought the Japanese version piecemeal - so that's Soundwave with Laserbeak, then each of the two packs with Ravage and Rumble, Frenzy and the yellow bird. Everything cost me about $260 total. This is a STEAL for a TF Masterpiece line. The only thing is that the US Soundwave has yellow eyes instead of

Steve, you played the tutorial level and then the hardest level of the additional levels that are outside the core game to illustrate your point on the bugs.

Now that you mention it, an Assassin's Creed DLC that wasn't alternate history, but a follow-up/sequel to Connor's main story would have been nice. How would his descendants have been? How did he grow the Brotherhood? All of those things would have made the game more complete for me, I think.

Exactly! Took the words out of my mouth!

That's not exactly the case. If a company realizes that they are about to lose a ton of money, like MS was about to with their XB1 policy, then they are going to do whatever they can to make sure it doesn't happen. Who wouldn't do that? Microsoft listened because they realized that they were f*cked if they didn't.

You really ought to watch the Jim Sterling video if you haven't:

That video is excellent. Thanks for posting that up. I had the same arguments for this whole used games topic. People need to think a little deeper as to the "why" and not just the "what is". It's all about greed, monopolies, and selfish behavior on the publisher side and what the other side has to do to survive

Yes, this! This exactly is what I've been saying for years! $60/game is a huge investment. And I have no way to unload it if it was a bad one?

Calling it now - EA and Respawn are going to regret making this an exclusive... unless they pull a Mass Effect and somehow get the rights back to part 1 once they realize it made better financial sense to publish on both next-gen platforms.

Capsized+ is free this weekend. Normally it's $2.99 but for a St. Patty's promotion, it's free.