
Whatever you do, don’t go to a car show.

AR is a dead end. Who cares whether the photons are the real photons from the world, or identical photons from a screen? As soon as VR glasses are lightweight with retina-level resolution, VR with a front-facing camera will do everything AR does, plus allow for a complete virtual experience when you need one. AR is

“Uncool”?? No self-respecting hipster uses “cool” unironically.

On the one hand, Uber is a triple hack: they hack our regulatory system to get around existing protections; they hack their drivers’ misunderstanding of how capital depreciation works; and they hack the greed of venture capitalists — all to siphon money away into their own pockets.

With “AdBlock” (not Plus), just right-click the offending item, click “Block this Ad,” and then adjust the slider until just the right portion is deleted. It’s usually pretty good at finding the right level of HTML to cut out, and then it’s gone forever.

Grad students are compensated differently. Ignoring that distinction feels disingenuous.

Those traffic signals are supposed to be timed so that vehicles travelling at or below the speed limit can stop before the crosswalk when the light turns yellow. It’s impossible to be in the crosswalk at the moment the light goes red unless the driver (autonomous or otherwise) makes an error, or is reacting to an

They are pretty close to being able to do this with faces nation-wide as well. The “no reasonable expectation of privacy” rule completely breaks down in the era of big data and machine learning. License plate + faces (not to even mention phones) means that anyone with enough money to buy into these databases can

If I was SpaceX, I would not allow a client to implicitly blame me for a delivery failure in order to achieve some covert goal. That should just be part of the contract. Make up whatever BS story you want to mislead the public, but a condition of a spy launch should be no BS that potentially could cost the space

The baseline rate suicide rate for his demographic is around 30 in 100,000, or 0.03%. The independent probability of any two people is thus about 1 in 10 million. But of course we are only paying attention to this because of the first one. Say Swartz knew 100 people closely who worked in this area (security stuff),

They’re coming for you next. Better run!

It’s not rocket science — I understand the distinction. But VR glasses with a camera that redisplays the outside word on the eye screen with an overlay of CGI is experientially identical to AR, assuming a sufficiently high-def screen. Why not do AR much more cheaply with LCD screens and a camera, rather than some

The question for Apple is not “Why did you do this?” The question reporters should be asking is “Why didn’t you tell anyone you were doing this?”

I don’t see how this is much better than a VR headset, once they becomes portable and a bit higher def. You can’t see his eyes anyway, so it’s not like it’s any more natural-looking than a black mask. And in addition to being much cheaper, VR already has a much wider field of view. (The Leap image was described in

Thank you for reporting this correctly. I’ve complained many times over the years here and elsewhere about reporting that uses phrases like “Amtrak’s budget is constantly getting routed by Congress.” Thank you for calling out the enemy of science and infrastructure by name: Republicans.

As a contrasting supportive example, I’m running a 6s that’s still on iOS 9, and by all Geekbench and other measures, it runs at full speed despite having a battery at 70% health. But it also randomly crashes when I do something taxing and the battery is under 50% or so, and won’t even restart without being plugged

I’ve been sitting on a jailbroken 9.1 for ages wondering why I still bother. And then I discovered NGXPlay, which lets me run *any* app on CarPlay. The sudden freedom from Apple’s gratuitous restriction felt like the glorious good old days. Plus it actually works — with the usual rough edges that let you know

But there seems to be a step missing between this blow-up and their reconciliation. Cutting away to the bar just stalls for time instead of forcing Max and Frankie to confront the way they treat their mom.

I think this is a correct reading of what this Trek thinks it is doing.

Ridiculous. Why not ban blurays for movies from directors who died before HD was invented, and demand we all watch letterboxed VHS tapes as they intended? Shakespeare never intended people to read his plays, Beethoven never intended people to listen to recording of his symphonies, and da Vinci never intended people