
Such a bummer — there’s really been nothing like io9. Please keep us posted on where all the staff end up! I feel like I know many of you personally after all these years. Good luck!

Republican tax cuts will increase the debt far more than Democratic spending, just as Bush’s tax cuts increased the debt far more than Obama or Clinton’s spending. And selling Federal land will earn the government a pittance. Much better, if you really want to pay down the debt, to cut Defense by 50% — since half of

Vote Democrat.

Seems like a fine car for anyone who would have bought the A3 TDI, or an e-Golf who worries about range, or a GTI who wants and can’t get a GTE, or a Prius or other hatchback hybrid who wants a peppier drive. $33K after rebate for the low-end (which comes with a sunroof and other stuff) seems not much more than these

Traffic is hard — I can cut them some slack for not getting that right.

Those Rudolph renderings with the 10 stories of car park in each apartment building really illustrate how insane this all was. Building a city where everyone hauls around a two-ton steel box to get anywhere, 90% of the time with a single occupant, is fundamentally incompatible with a sustainable and pleasant urban

“militant” is a pejorative. Either Knights2257 doesn’t know what it means, or you don’t. I’ll go with the latter.

4-year troll! Awesome.

“its”! Ye gods, what has the internet done to me...

I don’t know. Having to figure out whether Crooked is subtly rehabilitating Nixon (all the rage these days) or whether The Red, with all it’s gun-loving covers, is subtly plumping American warmongering... Feels like more of the same, rather than a respite from current politics.

“Semi militant vegan” was his/her own phrase! It was self-deprecation. Quoting someone’s mocking self-description in earnest is not a “gotcha” — it’s just showing your own tone-deafness.

[W]hile authors are undoubtedly important intended beneficiaries of copyright, the ultimate, primary intended beneficiary is the public, whose access to knowledge copyright seeks to advance by providing rewards for authorship.

So I guess this means Chan’s time-out from militaristic cross-posts on Gizmodo is over? Ah well. It was pleasant while it lasted.

This image reminds me of the best non-thing on Gizmodo recently. Ever since the “awesome” GIF of the B52 dropping bombs last month, there have been almost no Casey Chan war-mongering gun-loving GIFs on Gizmodo. Thanks, Editors! Glad the uproar over those bombs finally seems to have done the trick.

Actually, being born rich correlates with conservatism.

Even more penises than usual for a Casey Chan weekend Gizmodo cross-post. But I guess the earlier Taser cross-post shows that the main attraction for Chan is the violence, not the sex, alas. I do worry about the psychology of someone who’s so excited by guns, bombs, tanks, tasers, etc, though...

Africa must have been completely bonkers 2 million years ago, with potentially dozens of species of super-ape cohabiting and warring across the continent.

You realize you just violated Godwin’s law yourself, right? Comparing a comparison to a Nazi comparison, meta though it may be, is still bringing Nazis into the argument for rhetorical effect. You’re saying someone who compares X to drone-operators is as bad as someone who compares X to Nazis. If anything, that’s even

Education, particularly at the high end, correlates strongly with liberalism. Our IQs are much higher than yours.

Do all of Casey Chan’s pics of guns and other war machines (many of which are decades old) count as “tech”? To people who oppose warfare, it seems like pro-gun proselytizing. Which is just to say that “opinion” is just a matter of perspective, or that everything is opinion — or at least, anything that bears on