
It’s called civilization.

This plea would be a lot more credible if Gizmodo weren’t cross-posting cool GIFs of guns, tanks, and other warcraft on a near-daily basis.

I love this gadget blog and all, but I think we can all agree:

Rarely have I been so satisfied to see puppies so thoroughly stomped.

In a fundamental sense, there is no “Congress”. Congress doesn’t do things or not do things — the party in control of Congress is what does (or doesn’t do) things. You can’t report on government without reporting on who is running it, and you can’t report on who is running it without discussing the parties, and you

Interesting illustration of how the physics of the spinner really doesn’t make it an effective weapon for plastic. Not enough strength or mass. Though even with the real battle bots, a heavily-armored wedge seems to be able to withstand the heaviest metal spinner long enough for it to destroy itself on the wedge.

As is usually the case in these military cross-posts to Gizmodo, “bad ass” or “cool” apparently means ridiculously phallic.

This is terrible and a betrayal that what Sesame Street stands for. Sure, giving the rich kids quicker access is mainly just symbolic. But so is teasing a poor kid for his clothes or speaking style. Sesame Street has strongly opposed symbolic slights as being genuinely hurtful, especially to children. Whether or not

A lot of false dichotomies there. It’s perfectly consistent to fight for the preservation of mountain lions and US forests as well as the preservation of African lions and forests. And it’s perfectly consistent to value human lives above lion lives, and still fight for the preservation of the latter. There are plenty

So unfriendly, all those people looking to kill helpful Americans in “combat zones.”


Close enough to still be cool, thankfully.

But there is a vast difference between personal acts of charity, which the recipient can appreciate because he is closer to his benefactor, and the government redistribution of wealth. The latter breeds resentment and entitlement, and historically, has failed far more often than it has succeeded.

DoD-Funded Researcher Defends Military Robots, Claims We Should be Surprised. News at ll.

Is there something in Casey Chan’s job description that requires that almost every “cool” photo shared on Gizmodo be of machines whose main or auxiliary purpose is killing humans? There’s, like, a million photos of bigger rotors out there on the internet — thousands of windmills have them, for instance. But there’s

I actually agree with most of your points. It makes for a very clear contrast between the sides, which makes it easy for the undecideds to choose. Do you want to help the poor directly, or leave them poor because of some complicated rationale about dependence? Do you want to tax corporations and the rich, or make them

As an American, it’s really amazing how little American’s know about the Russian space program. We think of landing a man on the Moon as the only first worth recording, but when you tell people of all the other things Russia did first, you always get this strange look on people’s faces — that they’d never even thought

Any specifics you’d like to offer? Which of these things do Republicans not stand for?

What’s weird about conservatives like this is that, even if you show them data suggesting that policy X (like free internet) would make the world better off, they would still try to refuse it, because the poor don’t deserve it. They prefer a worse-off world because the poor don’t deserve to be better off. That’s

I wish reporters would stop using locutions like “The US won’t pay for it” or “Congress has still not allocated enough funding.” This is a political topic, and you should report in the title, lede and main story what is actually happening: that Obama and the Democrats are trying to pass this stuff, and Republicans are