
Yeah, I did see it. But as far as I can tell, the torrents are at least as bad as the streaming version. You can clearly see the framerate on even the 720p torrent drop down to something like 10fps fairly frequently. Some people don't seem to be sensitive to these things, some are. But for those of us who are,

Amazingly — and correct me if I'm wrong — but as far as I can tell this show is not available on torrents or anywhere else besides Amazon. It's actually the first show I've seen in a long while that has managed to stay off the piracy circuit for even a few days — a confluence of DRM, niche market, and possibly even a

Given that we haven't actually managed to survive and get off the planet yet, I don't know that generalizing from ourselves is a very good idea, anthropically-speaking. It may be that other configurations are in fact much rarer than the bipedal humanoid, but only those are conducive to actual spaceflight and

Chemical weapons, biological weapons, hydrogen bombs, neutron bombs, land mines, mass rape, torture, maiming children, slaves working to death, chopping off hands and feet, thousands of heads and bodies on pikes... There's a lot of possibilities once you free yourself of "romantic" qualms in warfare.

Such large and wasteful bezels above and below... If this is the same team behind the iWatch, I fear for its aesthetics.


Murphy's Law in this case being that the number of errors in the average Gawker piece doubles with each "improvement" to the Kinja system.

But the entire internet runs through other people's property. So this gives every company the right, and even the obligation, to scan everything and report anything they find to the police.

So by that logic, it makes sense for your internet provider to scan everything you send or receive, and for your laptop maker to scan everything you store or create.

Surprisingly close is M. John Harrison's "Nova Swing." Along with The Yiddish Policemen's Union, probably the best hard-boiled SF of the last decade, but much weirder. And if you go a little farther back, Murakami's book is probably among the best hard-boiled weird SF of the previous decade, along with Gun, with

I often open a bunch of tabs, and then proceed through them from left to right (with new tabs appearing directly to the right of the currently open tab). Since one of the main advantages of tabs is having the content ready to go when I get to it, I don't want to wait while it loads when I get to that tab. But what

I've harped on this before, but I'd like to see more high-end, high-stakes reviews. Not at the expense of other stuff, just in addition. What I mean by that is taking intellectually ambitious SF and fantasy (especially, but not only, fiction) seriously: What new ideas and movements in SF are leading the field, where

Alas, as I said, I've long ago searched the usual archives. It was updated well before such things began.

Catprin! The original — before they fixed the English. It's still pretty amusing, but not like it was in the old days of the web. I've never been able to find an archived copy anywhere of the original website, alas.

Even though the correlation probably means causation, "probably" isn't a word often used in sound science.

As usual, remember that all politicians are not the same, and there's a real left/right difference here. Republicans are overwhelmingly the ones pushing these comcast-protecting laws. Centrist and corporatist Democrats (like Obama) rarely oppose them, but would happily switch sides if the prevailing winds changed.

"Boy"? My "kind"?

I know, I know. Left and right are a conspiracy promulgated by the media, politicians, 100 million voters, political scientists, philosophers, and 500 years of history. Libertarians must hold the line against the dogma of economics, sociology, and common sense! Must be why you need those guns.

The left — the guys against guns — are the ones who advocate legalizing marijuana and other drugs. Libertarians often seem to forget that.