
For what it's worth, my personal objection to Sucker Punch was never political — it's more that Sucker Punch is a boring film, because it's slow and I don't care about any of the characters.

I appreciate the rare respect shown for intellectual property in this post, by not presenting us with a readable version of the graphic. After all, anyone who wants to read it should be going to the original source, as with so many of the images, videos, and other contents that Gawker repackages and steals the income

I would like to see a Mythbusters where they try various actual humans on similar debris in a pitch-black room (assuming the robot can see — or at least recognize — little or nothing).

I've been wondering what would happen to the hoods of cars as we transition to electric. When there's no need to keep the engine up front, there's no real need for a front hood at all, apart from archaic style and, perhaps, safety. It would be neat if this meant everything shifts to three-wheelers. I'm sure many

PNAS, not PLoS. Though I agree it seems like something you would see in PLoS rather than PNAS.

Or a prequel, that's just an anthology of contemporary fiction. Volume 0: The End? What End?

Mockingjay is one of the best explorations of PTSD in young adult literature that I know of, and a great anti-war book to boot. It starts out dark and ends up darker. But I understand how a lot of people both dislike that and expected something a bit more heroic (and unrealistic). I always thought those people were

Thank you. Takes a god-awful infographic and makes it at least marginally readable now.

I know, it's purely a necessity to keep your children from starving.

I will never understand the compassionate murderer position. Scolding hunters to torture slightly less when having their fun...

The thing people often fail to do with these things is think probabilistically. When there are millions of possible civilizations, it won't do to say that they generally kill themselves off before colonizing the galaxy, for instance. You have to believe that they will *always* kills themselves off — that no accident

The key thing is that the airfoils flip around during intake so that the turbine keeps spinning in the same direction on both exhale and inhale. What I don't understand is why they don't have the air-funnel (which speeds up the air by concentrating it) on the inhale direction, but just on the exhale direction.

A sad violation of the book — no "jewboy," no "k*ke," no "n***er," no "buttwatcher," no "buggers." What's Ender's Game without the racism, sexism, and homophobia that in no way reflect the views of the author? All you're left with is the justified genocide. What a let-down.

"Everyone else is doing it."

For those of us who of course own all of these shows on DVD but don't want to bother fishing them out, does anyone want to put together a torrent of all these episodes in time for the 31st?

"It's Here".

Right. It's worth distinguishing the things that are unlikely or impossible for physics reasons (and thus require a more difficult suspension of disbelief) and those things that are just historical differences, which can be remedied by a fairly simple assumption (as is quite clear from the first scenes) that their

Go easy on this guy, he's clearly having some sort of breakdown. He's posted a comment roughly every 5-10 minutes between 9am and 5 pm today — close to 100 total — getting progressively more hateful. He should obviously be banned, but pitied as well. I imagine from the posting schedule it's work problems. Sorry

But don't you get it — her daughter fell, hit her head, and died — gravity! — but that is exactly what she is so grateful for in the end, after her own rebirth — gravity!

He wasn't necessarily pulling her away, but for her to reel him in would require exerting an equal and opposite force on the strap loosely attached to her foot, causing it to slide off.