Brandon Herrington

two things that don’t quite fit the main format, one hilarious and one sappy:

Aside from the ice as our medium, there is no comparison between our sports.

I don’t mean to sound negative here, but Dana White is a fucking scumbag.

The image of Molly Sullivan holding a microphone up to an obviously mute mascot only to immediately pull it back in realization is awesome.

When a douche with bad hair, stands on his chair.

“Well, I believe in the soul, the knob, the quim, the swell of a bird’s arse, the curling free kick, bangers and mash, brown ale, that the novels of Jane Austen are self-indulgent poorly-edited bunk. I believe Jack the Ripper never left a note. I believe their ought to be an Act of Parliament outlawing Omniturf and

Baseball did have something like this back in the 1990's. The Cubs signed a fan, Henry Rowengartner, and it was a lot of fun to follow! He had his struggles at first, especially playing alongside his hero Chet “Rocket” Steadman, but he settled in and became a key player in their postseason run. He even struck out

Oh, snap.

My Joe Theismann avatar’s leg keeps glitching.

in fairness, a hand injury ended that guy’s career

Reading this choked me up a little. Elderly people are easy to ignore, which should let us all know that if we’re lucky enough to become elderly, the fast-moving world will mostly pass us by, too.

We also set up an echo with voice command for my FIL which came in handy when he fell and broke his hip - he was able to call my husband by yelling “ALEXA CALL SON” which came in handy

My grandmother had one and - with additional help - it gave her at least ten extra years before she had to move into a nursing home (where she moved at 90). Zero regrets on that choice.

“He asked me if I liked the announcers, and I said I don’t really pay close attention to them. He got a good chuckle out of that.”

sweet Jesus 

You’d think Johnson would’ve learned to live with his aides by now.

Favorite band? Duran Duran

They don’t try to hurt people?! They blew up Vince McMahon’s limo and killed him!