Brandon Herrington

My god, I am sympathizing with a Patriot right now. The power of doggos truly trumps all other evils.

You should do longform profiles on a bunch of Guys and title the series Let’s Remember a Guy

Also from last night: Megan Rapinoe is a national treasure.

Speaking from personal experience, he'll probably end up fired at the end of the year.

me reading the kim kardashian vs tom brady discussion

Loved the article. 10000% here for the comments.

reporters under attack in dc isn't exactly news, patrick.

I haven’t looked up if Bahrami is a grandpa or not but, if he is, he’s gotta be the best grandpa in the world.

It would have cost a lot more, but he had to take the comments along with it.

We ask our players 20 days a year — game days — to restrict their statements.

A Letter From A Parent

Eds. note: We received the following email from a reader, who requested that we publish it because he thinks it can

If you don’t think he typed this post on one knee, you are crazy. 

Why do you hate the military and America?

Should have stuck to the rivers and the lakes that they used to

This article is fantastic. Thanks for giving it life, Alanis.

A Hot Ta3k to burn the building down on the way out the door. That’s the good stuff, Tim. Vaya con Dios.

He looks like Al Jarreau’s ghost.