Pitaro was hoisted by his own Le Batard.
Of course Europe makes you better. Spend five minutes with anyone who studied abroad and they’ll tell you.
Bless your heart.
I hope she gets traded to Portland so that every Thorn has its Rose.
Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.
“revealed no further neurological damage.”
What's really infuriating for the rest of the Nationals pitching staff is they don't have anybody to retaliate against.
This is the perfect time for Jezebel to do a long piece about how MLMs prey on vulnerable women in the name of feminism and financial freedom when the reality is it sucks them dry and leaves them friendless and poorer than they started out. It’s so gross how MLMs work and what they do to people.
I feel pretty confident that, over a long enough timeline, baseball players would get better at using all fields and render the shift a losing proposition. On the other hand, it seems increasingly likely that the inevitable collapse of human civilization will thwart any evolutions of that kind. Ah well.
Definitely read “Mississippi State star Jake Mangum” as “Mississippi State star Jake Magnum” and was pretty disappointed when I realized my mistake.
I, for one, posit that the most Enterprising team won.
Just make it Deadspin’s version of The Onion’s mass shooting article
They should start calling it “lactosing the intolerant”.
I’d like to propose a new advanced metric: The DeadspIndex.
As a Fiorentina fan, I always hated him. Every time the Viola looked like they had a break through the middle, there was de Rossi to steamroll whichever poor sucker thought he had a chance. Every time some overmatched defender got himself out of position (and for Fiorentina, that’s roughly every 50 seconds), there was…
Of all people, you’re surprised that this guy abstains from being a swinger when he encounters another dude in an unfamiliar position?
You asked so kindly, so sure.
Manny Machado: good-natured scamp.