
Also, why didn't she leave the billionaire's party? Was she also kidnapped? I missed those charges.

Fuck Jerry Jones, but she has been outed as an escort based on her email address she knowingly allowed to be published, correct?

Thank God pizza is taking the heat off me.

Don't egg him on...

Knock, knock.

Around 1:01 after the play Berman says, "A quick punch out there..."

But, would she right a song about it?!?

Keith's comments were pretty spot on. Law enforcement the most. They let that motherfucker just get away with it, and allow it to get expunged from his record in the future. Garbage.

"And everybody feels so sorry for this whale – but what if this whale is having a great time?"

It's like a real life American Psycho, all over again, but in real life!

I would wear shorts all year if I wasn't a skinny fuck that gets cold in the winter. You're insane.

Where the fuck is the "I" in true or real? I don't fucking get it. So fuck all of them. Truel? Treal? Trueal? What in the hell is going on around here?

This dude is fucking hilarious. I. Can't. Stop. Watching.

What in the hell did I just watch?

You're totally watching the Brit Murphy movie.

LOLhio. The laughter of the crowd is simply hilarious.

Does Beltre like head is the question?

I love their hijinks, we need more!