He's just pissed he has to play in the MLS.
He's just pissed he has to play in the MLS.
It was published earlier this year, in addition to his entire career. Couldn't have happened to a better Pierz of shit.
We need to see Anna Bella's reaction or this post won't be complete.
I think you meant: Best. First. Pitch. Ever.
Tell me when Jenny takes her shirt off so I don't have to watch the whole video, please.
He's never spent any time in jail or prison? How does that work for a felon? Especially with a gun charge as said felon?
Sprinkle is a good name for a cocaine user.
This is amazing.
They made the playoffs and should of beat the spanks in that series. The prior fourteen years, you would be correct.
Singleton? The guy hitting .196 and addicted to the weed??
People gave money to a random stranger in an airport, regardless of the reason and now they want to bitch? I don't feel scammed when I give the guy on the highway exit ramp some change for food, and then he goes and buys liquor.
ESPN.com has disabled all comments on their pages, hmmm?
As an Os fan, I miss Jon Miller. He's great.
The gif doesn't do it justice...
I was just about to say the same thing.
But, they were so nice to each other.
Mostly just gold and diamonds, who needs fucking giraffes?
That's exactly what I was thinking.