
I don’t know if it would ever be “rid” of but there may be some overall diminishing. Akihabara seems more focused on cutesy/moe more so than tech/geek stuff nowadays since anime character goods are the big thing now. The neighborhood is also pretty massive (relatively speaking for Tokyo, in that you can spend an

Unfortunately, the Maine wedding has shown us that the people who bear the worst consequences may be those who had nothing to do with the original bad decision.

Make it real. Make it real. Make it real.

Now playing

one of my favorite ones was a turn based strategy game based on the IGPX miniseries.

Going back to my original papers from 1995, I looked at them and realized that they were not synopses but actual translations into English!

Based off your comment, I was expecting awful awfulness and I clicked play on the trailer just to watch/listen to the trainwreck.

Those additions don’t just happen. Someone dug into the code and worked on it to make that happen.

It’s covered in article, but the position is likely ceremonial, and the town held some sort of online voting at a dollar a vote via PayPal, monies collected going to the town Historical Society.

My cat loves me a little TOO much. I used to live on the second floor of an old brownstone, and when I’d walk up to the front steps, she would meow down to me from the window — and as I’d walk up the stairs to my apartment, I’d hear her jump down and run to the door. She also used to enjoy surprising me by jumping


Off topic but I was just thinking about James Avery and how great a father figure he was for us teens of color. To all accounts he was equally great off set. I guess I just want to say screw Bill Cosby. Uncle Phil should get more love than he does.

This sums up 1996 for me pretty well.

Shit, for a million dollars, my husband would be mad if I didn’t cheat on him.

My boyfriend once asked me “Would you cheat on me for a million dollars?”

We need to go deeper.

Every convention has different rules. However, every convention typically posts their weapon and prop policy on their website. If there’s a con you are planning on attending to cosplay at, best to do is to check their website for their prop policy to find out if your prop will be flagged as acceptable or not.

Never go full black dude cosplaying as a white dude playing a black dude disguised as another dude.

It’s because we are poor and can’t afford home decor. Also plants are nice and when you kill them by accident no one asks questions.