
I did find this weird but I was just like old people are bad at stuff like this.

I have a private landlord that only takes cash or check.  I tried paying through my bank’s bill pay and it never arrived.  So, it could be something like that.

All this talk about Luigi’s dick and I’m like I’d really like a pair of those green sneakers.

The most awkward for me was going into Spencer’s Gifts as an adult.

Well, considering my Mother had her ears pierced with an ice cube and a sewing needle the piercing gun had to look like a step up.

I have a shit ton of house plants all of which came for free and then multiplied. At this point I have so many aloe plants it isn’t even funny.

Pants for yoga?

The story I always like to share is the time I went into anaphylactic shock on a trip to Boston, puked all over South Station, and had to be taken to Tufts in an ambulance. This is like less them a mile drive that took like 15 minutes. A few weeks later I received a bill in the mail for $13,000 dollars...just for the

I’ve clean mine with the vinegar method. I have hard water so I get a lot of build-up on things that use water. Also after scrubbing the plastic parts inside mine (old style top loader), I can tell you it was definitely dirty. I’d probably clean like once a year though.

LOL, my cat would be non-stop sad meowing the whole time. I hate taking him anywhere because he seems so sad.

I’ve had similar experiences with dudes where I am right and they don’t believe me and then get super angry. I did have one guy once come back later and apologize and let me know I was right. But mostly it has been baby tantrums. This isn’t all men but there is certainly a selection of me who always respond this way

Would most likely still be cheaper than my oil bill in the winter.

I was broiling some eggplant one time and I put it on some parchment paper not thinking. I went to check on it and I was like, “Oh, my oven is on fire.” Luckily, it had only been a couple of minutes.

Sounds like she uses the kids as pawns to make herself look more important and do the “Woe is me, look at my situation.” And since this is a grand opportunity to have everyone’s eyes on her she plans on scooping them all up for the wedding. I’d imagine she will they just drop they all back off when she is done with

The bouncer advice comes up a lot when someone in the family is a raging narcissist. Whom you either want to keep out (they still somehow found out about the wedding) or the you are to nice and hope they won’t cause a scene but just in case they do you have someone to take care of it.

The show is also currently on Netflix right now. And I got to agree this show is absolutely hilarious. I had watched a lot of it in middle school but hadn’t scene it in years so when it showed up a few months back I got to see if it still holds up and yes it does. It’s stupid but it is that smartly written kind of

From what I understand as long as it isn’t penis in vagina it is actually legal.

Nearest Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s is an hour away from where I live. There is just some stuff one can’t get where I live. Also lazy, and like the idea of just having the food come to my door and not having to think about it but still get a fresh cooked meal. I’d totally do it if it wasn’t so pricey.

A lot of places also have no animal control though.

Well, it is great you can still afford a home and not be homeless without a job, and don’t have any health problems, or have any children to worry about, etc.

I do in fact like my job but the pay is crap but we have really good health insurance and I have a lot of health problems. So, I stay for that really good