Eh, the getting upset part is dumb but I really don’t expect teens to know music from my teen years. Probablly, as they don’t really expect anyone over 20 to know any music they listen to.
I liked the OMG!? Who is Missy Eliot one better also.
Eh, the getting upset part is dumb but I really don’t expect teens to know music from my teen years. Probablly, as they don’t really expect anyone over 20 to know any music they listen to.
I liked the OMG!? Who is Missy Eliot one better also.
Now I really want brie and granny smith apples. May have to make a purchase this weekend.
I’m now like a 42DD so it is hard to find bras my size in Target. I’ve recently lost 60lbs and my bra size hasn’t changed either. I’ve used convertible bras but I find they tend not to be strong enough. The hooks often break on them. I have used the halter position on occasion for certain shirts but that actually…
Yeah, I never thought these bags looked attactive at all. I will never understand this trend.
Yeah, I have super thick, super curly hair. Which I never blow dryer or use hair spary on.
Oh, it is a skill. Even with wet hair and a comb I cannot give myself a stright part to save my life.
Wow, okay I guess am just very mildly lactose intolerant. That is crazy.
I always carry lactaid pills on me for this reason.
She is now the Magic Man.
Yeah, that sucks. Seems like the theme here though. Though I can see after trying to manage a site that huge for so long, why one would sell.
Ahh, that sucks.
This is pretty much why I don’t miss working in retail ever.
Haven’t been on Gaia in forever but I’m pretty sure it is still the same people running it and they started from the groud up, so they understand the importance of having actual live people monitor the site instead of software (which of course sounds like something only corperate bullshit could do).
Thinking about about the first time, I’m still kind of weired out that he didn’t at least suggest running some blood tests or something. 60 lbs in 6 months is not normal on any account. If I had better sense at the time I would have pushed for more, but I was still young and I was like, welp he is the doctor.
I was pretty sure I had PCOS for like a decade before I got diagnosed with it. I’ve always have had excruciating periods with heavy bleeding. Then in my early 20s I gained 60 lbs in 6 months. I went to my family doctor, he told me to stop stuffing my mouth full of cake.
Then I started going to college and my periods…
Dell Venue 8 7000 is now my husbando. That is totally a character type made for me. LOL.
I’ve had people think I was cousins with one of my high school friends. That my middle school friend’s parents were my parents. And that I must some how really be my Step-Father’s daughter (sorry my Mother hadn’t meet him yet).
My Grandfather on the left during WWII.
I really don’t know much about it. As far as my Grandmother said he didn’t enjoy it. And really didn’t like the whole hurry up and wait mentality that goes on. He did bring back some fine China from Germany that my Mother has packed away.
The time setting could just be 1990.
It is something I never thought about until I went out to eat with a Groupon and the place has sign (since I guess this was a problem) to leave a tip for the original price of the food.