
You're still eating vegetables? That has to still sorta count for something? Right?

Yeah might be doing this for dinner tonight.

I think you just missed it. I actually worked with someone with celiac disease that year (who was a champ and ate out a lot and never gave anyone a hard time) but it did mean we had to get a gluten free Birthday cake for him. Around this time I started to see more gluten free stuff (mostly at Whole Foods and other

I'd imagine most of California doesn't really need a fireplace either.

I hate to say it but $900 is a cheap ambulance ride. I went into anaphylaxis while on a trip in Boston and had to take one. They messed up my insurance and so I received a bill for $13,000 for the ride. Thankfully, I was insured and was able to get the issue fixed so it ended up only costing $20. But I had

I hate to say it but $900 is a cheap ambulance ride. I went into anaphylaxis while on a trip in Boston and had to take one. They messed up my insurance and so I received a bill for $13,000 for the ride. Thankfully, I was insured and was able to get the issue fixed so it ended up only costing $20. But I had some

Nothing new, before video games it was just T.V.

I have emergency pooping problems pretty often and I haven't run into the problem of not being allowed to a "public" restroom in a business. (Some places only have restrooms for employee use). In fact like 2 or 3 times this month either myself or a friend had to use a random bathroom in a business that we were

I have emergency pooping problems pretty often and I haven't run into the problem of not being allowed to a "public" restroom in a business. (Some places only have restrooms for employee use). In fact like 2 or 3 times this month either myself or a friend had to use a random bathroom in a business that we were not

Got to say if Grandma doesn't want to keep her money in a bank at least keep it in a fire proof lock box.

I live in the U.S. and I don't really get it either.

I have Windows 8.1 and from what I played (a little over an hour) it worked fine.

Glad you have never suffered from digestive related problems, ever. Also, for some of us, it just kind of comes on as a surprise. Most of the time I don't know a fart is going to happen until is basically happening. I never have time to even run off to the bathroom, let alone excuse myself.

It is hard to let go of an image one has of person once it was in place. I was very depressed in high school and cried a lot. I basically had to stop talking to a whole group of friends because they couldn't let go who I was when I was depressed. Even when I was depressed I felt they misinterpreted my feelings a

So, now it isn't going to be replaced.

I totally can understand that. But man this is Pennsylvania, there are tons of better looking pine trees around. There are tree farms that are close to the city. Someone could have tried to get one of those farms to donate a tree.

This is kind of in a long line of weird, utterly stupid, batshit, and clumsy things

Taylor Swift, also.

This also goes for people who's cars are full of trash.

I had an argument (with my therapist at the time) who said healthcare is something you have to earn. I was pretty flabbergasted. She didn't even have healthcare herself at the time.

As a fat person who has used patterns to make clothes for myself, they never work out right. Every time I've made pants or shorts, I cut out the size to my waist measurement but then oddly when I put them on they are always to big in the waist (which at least means I can take them in). And there is a ton of modifying