
It's kind of a catch 22. I want someone to like me for me, not be attached to me because I look a certain way. Is being a chubby chaser any better then a dude who only likes skinny women? Then one of the last problems I see is, I've been trying to lose weight for health reason, would the chubby chaser still like me

Reminds me of back in the day when my friends and I would read profiles. I mean it is a site devoted to finding people with sexual fetishes but some of them were real winners. The one I remember the most was a dude talking about how much loved anal sex, which would be fine in and of its self. But he called

Storm + Thor for the win. Pretty much all the time. I agree I'd like to see more different super heroes but we are still pretty early on in the game's life cycle.

Tetris didn't ask to buy power-ups though. Candy Crush isn't bad, but I can see the rabbit hole could go very, very deep with it.

Sounds like a rip off, there is a place that will do it around her for $50 which is cheaper then an inspection generally.

I had a friend in high school, who used to pay the inspection guy off. Well, she was driving a 70s Lincoln Continental, which was a boat of a car. I guess, at some point she decided to have her

Makes me miss my childhood dog Waldo. He f&^king loved the snow. He used to sit in my lap while sledding. He also never wanted to come in when there was snow out there. I miss him.

My Mother's family is Italian so there was a lot of kissing going on. It never even registered with me until like middle school that this wasn't common practice to kiss everyone on the checks when you meet them.

It's the kind of food that seems great as a kid but not so much as an adult. I remember when I first started living on my own and I was ohhh Spaghetti-o's! I loved those as a kid. Yeah, tasted like crap and gave me heart burn.

I'm pretty sure if he wasn't also her editor it would have ended the series. But if you look at it, there may have been a time where it would have been an absolute no go. So, yes it is at least something.

One of the few exceptions I've heard of is Kaoru Kurimoto who wrote a fantasy series called Guin Saga. Which is the worlds longest book series by a single writer (130 books). She was able to keep working (part time) but her Husband was also her editor. She also did all the work that is expected of a Japanese

Honestly, I'd say most of the children's board games you would by at Toys R' Us or Walmart are pretty terrible, not just the stuff for girls.

Now playing

Not really sexists but just as terrible, I discover that this is a real game the other day:

At least scan them in and save them on disk. I've been scanning old photos and sharing them on Facebook with my family.

Apparently, it is pretty common some of those dogs are worth a lot of money.

The story didn't really pack a punch for me and I'd imagine I am the target audience for something like this. A 30 something whose teen years were the 90s and felt disenfranchised at the time.

I have a friend who went bald in middle school, so it isn't impossible.

Because on of the questions on these things seems to be "What do you call a long a roll with cold cuts?" And my answer is hoagie, they always pin me down to the Philadelphia area. Which is a 100% correct. No more questions needed for me.