
It kind of blew my mind also. I vaguely remember them being expensive but not that expensive.

Pretty much. My friend goes to a hairstylist who just does curly hair. And there is like a line of products that she can get by going to a fancy stylist. It has made a huge difference. Her hair looks amazing.

Though this website is somewhat useful:

Cursive was a waste when I learned it in the 80's. I don't know anyone who kept writing that way after we were told we didn't have to. I do agree it is time that could be better spent on other things.

I watched the trailer and saw the posters yesterday and I'll I could think of was this:

Just depends on the divorced parents. My one friend told me her parents got divorced when she was a child but married nice people so it was basically like having two nice families. I know this probably the exception but it does happen.

It's good. I used to live near a H-Mart (which is a Korean grocery chain) and so could get it all the time. Man, I miss H-Mart.

Yes, and apparently Dwyer's family was pretty incensed about the song.

I had a turducken a few years back and thought it was the best thing ever. The turkey was so moist. Though I don't think the one we had was Cajun spiced.

Also, depends a lot on what airline you are flying. My most recent flight, you had to buy food and snacks. I got a salad, that was decent, but nothing to write home to.

But did those sets match with normal Lego? I thought they didn't?

One word Aniplex. They super over price their stuff.

I agree with you. I mean a few years ago my Cousin got his soon one of the sets. His son didn't even want to build it. He just wanted to play with it. So on Christmas day my Cousin built it for him. Why even buy Lego at that point?!

And Lego isn't cheap if you want any of the really cool sets expect to pay $70-$300

The problem with Lego (this could be a whole long article in its self) anymore is they are super gendered at this point. The Duplo is still very generic but when you get to Lego it is mostly sets aimed at boys. Until, last year when they created sets aimed at girls. Toys seem more gendered then ever.

Thankfully, while I have a crazy family they are not crazy racists. The most I have to deal with (though I swear this is every holiday) is my Mother freaking out. We make plans to go somewhere then right before we are to leave she starts crying saying she doesn't want to go and hates holidays. Then we have to spend

Well, I do agree on the term limits for representatives and senators. But, holy crap I could not listen to these people all day. I think I might bash my head in while eating dinner.

I did years ago but after a while it got to be a pain in the ass. It was mostly independent comic book stuff adding info boxes and images. Some of the stuff I did remains untouched for 6 years now.

From what I gather they a company would hire a company/director do to the voice over work. Then said company/director would contact actors from a pool they have contact with.

Is that roasted eggplant on a GFG? That might be the the best idea ever. I know know what I'll be eating for dinner for forever.

I own like a billion black pairs of underwear and I do get some of that bleaching. I just assumed I had acid pussy! Though I was never really bothered by it. Pantie liners are okay but I don't think I want to use them everyday.

If you had bacterial vaginosis you would know. It makes the vagina stink. Like a strong fishy smell.