I think a marine and a naval officer in a "WWII" styling?
I think a marine and a naval officer in a "WWII" styling?
I think it also an issue of female cosplayers vs other female cosplayers. I mean if a girl shows up in a costume that is a yellow bikini with Pikachu ears and tails. My first thought is see is an attention whore. My second thought is that I wish I had a hot body like she does, so people would pay attention to me. …
I guess as an obese person, I should be sluting it up everywhere? Where do I sign up for this?!
I'd say still terrible.
With the Purple Heart you can schedule a pick up and they will take a number of smaller items.
I feel that a certain segment of the male population sees women as either hot or ugly with nothing in-between. This isn't something I've seen with fellow females. My male roommate will often comment how an actress is ugly. But they are perfectly fine looking, generally above average. Because really how many ugly…
He he is done school is going to move back to where is Ex is and start going back out with her. She has already removed her IUD, so they can have a baby..... I'm not even joking.
I think that might destroy him. He is oddly sensitive about a lot of crap. Which is why I don't bring up issues with him often. Also, his living with him was to do him a favorite so he could go to a school he wanted. So, I don't want to help the guy out and then be a dick. I just want mild level of responsibility…
We don't have mutual friends. In fact I've like one of 3 friends he has (4 if you count his Ex) and the other two live 3,000 miles away and I've never met them. I don't think texting the Ex would help (besides being awkward, she thinks I'm into him). When, I asked if his Ex was a dirty slob also, he said no. She…
I actually talked to him yesterday about how he left the living room the other night. He ate Taco Bell and food bits were left all over the floor and living room table. I asked him if he could eat a little more orderly and if he makes a mess like that if he could try and clean up afterwards.
Basically the response…
I was going to say why shouldn't a 9 year old have a phone but then I really couldn't think of good reasons.
I know a lot of people wouldn't be down for it but I like the idea where the couple come up with a new last name to use together. So, they both change it.
At one point I wanted to change my last name because my Father was kind of a dick (well not kind of). Now, I realize I have a fairly simple but very uncommon name.…
Hahahahahaha, yeah it isn't going to happen. Even if he did clean, it would be the most half-assed job ever or he just wouldn't know what to do. Luckily, he will be moving out when he finishes school.
This drives me nuts with my roommate. I've only asked him to two things. Take out the trash and mow the lawn.
He never replaces the bag in the can. Often he will leave the garbage cans out to be blown away. Or leave the recyclables inside forever (which is frustrating he goes out to smoke all the time, why can't…
I think a B.A. is covers much of the same as the Arts degree. But in the U.S. you can say you have a Bachelors but you can have either a B.A. Bachelor of Arts or a B.S a Bachelors of Science. I have a B.S. even though I went to art school because my field is working with computer technology.
Wow, I mean all the money questions were grossly inappropriate but just to go around telling dudes they were ugly is super classy. I'm glad this is a case HR was able to do something about it.
I was being stalked online for a while and it is amazing where and how people like that can find you online. At one point I was being harassed through my Deviantart account. Why should I have to shut down my already established account? But site after site this guy, or his friends, would leave nasty commons. This…
Hate to break it to you, we have always lived in that world. I consider suicide from about 8 years old until my early 20s. I even tried once in second grade.