
Home is not as impressive but still good.

I tested at work and was pretty impressed. I'll have to see at home, I don't think I feel much of a difference, but I doubt I would be getting these speeds for a home service.

My friends and I have been working on costumes. And I have worked over the McCalls books a lot by now (they were on sale). And this one pattern has driven me nuts.

This is interesting. In the last 80s we moved to a new house and had the dog tied up in the back yard. Now, that dog was crazy, I won't lie. But a dude just walked into our backyard and the dog bit him. I got my Mother and she tended to his wounds (it was on the knee). He left, and we didn't think about it again.

That person is terrible at being a human being.

Holy, shit the feels. OMG, what makes this cat so adorably sad?

This also blows:

I was depressed my whole childhood. I tried killing myself in second grade (obliviously it didn't work well). When I finally saw a therapist in high school my Mom told him, she thought I would just grow out of it.

I used to watch it all the time when I lived in a place where I could watch TV and cook at the same time. My one roommate would come home, find me watching it, and asked confused why people would own that much stuff? Though, this was from a guy who had only a mattress and a (very fancy) computer system in his room.

I used to watch it all the time when I lived in a place where I could watch TV and cook at the same time. My one roommate would come home, find me watching it, and asked confused why people would own that much stuff? Though, this was from a guy who had only a mattress and a (very fancy) computer system in his room.

Arguable, the pawn shop show is more about history then any of the other shows on the History channel.

It's the same with dudes who want Asian brides. If you really want a subservient wife go back to 1492.

And do you present those language change docs for use? I can only imagine they are a step above gibberish.

Agreed, this happened outside my college all the time. Which at the time I was just getting by barely. Some days all I could afford to eat for lunch was like a packet of Starbursts. And here are people asking me for money? And they won't leave me alone? I''ll admit I was a dick to a couple of them. Now, I

Well, up until the point all the women I would talk about such stuff, suffered as much as I did. My Mother had terrible cramps and felt like shit the whole time and my best friend would go blind from migraines she got during her periods. I thought it was normal. I really never understood in Middle School why the

I've gotten chunks before. I mean your period blood is just lining also, so sometime it just comes out more chunky? Blood and thick blood though is usually a sign of older menstruation, generally that comes at the end of a period. If you are getting brown chunks during the middle of your period, I would really go

You are not alone.

I didn't know that not all women suffered terrible cramps, got the sweats, and puked sometimes when they had their periods till High school. I really wish my Middle School Nurse had understood not everyone just had some mild cramping and so, thought I was a whinny.

This is interesting, as I didn't have a poop problem until I went on the nuvaring. I always had bad cramps but I didn't see an increase in bowel movements. About a year ago I went on the nuvaring to control the fact I was menstruating 24/7 365 (though with almost no cramps and still no increased bowel movements).

Oh, man I had the best dog as a kid. I used to take him sledding with me all the time. He would just sit in my lap. That dog loved snow like no body's business.