
It's all good, my friends and I make a lot of costumes (going to be working on some soon tonight) so we are there all the time. It would be nice if they had washing and ironing instructions. Nothing like melting some fabric because I forgot to turn down the iron.

I buy all my albums off Amazon any more. I really like the Amazon Cloud Player option. This way I don't have to take MP3s to work or Always listen to Pandora. I can just stream my favorite Albums easily.

Despite there being a fairly large Italian population where I live there are not a lot of Italian restaurants (outside of pizza joints) in fact Olive Garden is the only one I can think of outside of one that is 30 minutes away.

Did you check the end of the bolt with the price? Also, I don't think vinyl would have washing instructions and my "(ideally)" was meant to indicate it isn't there all the time.

Should be fine to wash but I wouldn't put it in the dryer on a really hot setting. If you buy the fabric in the store, washing directions should (ideally) be on the bolt (the piece of cardboard the fabric is wrapped around).

Have you been cleaning the wall with rubbing alcohol and letting it dry, before you put up a hook? Also, what vlvlock said, letting them set for a while before putting weight on them is important. I've hung like a billion pictures with them so far, and only had two fall down and was able to fix the issue both times.

I think so. I mean certainly better then Taco Bell (and I used to really like Taco Bell). But I also think they are better then Qdoba, Baja Fresh, Moe's, and California Tortilla (at least to me). And the burritos are better then a lot of regular sit down restaurants burritos.

But they are a full meal.

I'll have to look into it, but I wonder what the restrictions are? I currently go to a place that isn't a gym but offers several exercise classes (Zumba, Pilloxing, Rowing). I wonder if that would count.

My Mother ended up taking my Grandmother in, even though both of my Uncles were way more well off then my Mom. The whole thing ended up a cluster fuck of terrible even before my Grandmother moved in.

Though, this is the best ad I've ever gotten on Facebook. I love owls.

Here is an old one I save:

I get a ton of ads for social work also. The only thing I can think of is I care about a lot of social issues? I have no desire to be a social worker either.

I remember being in downtown Baltimore for Otakon (an anime convention) and we got our shares of dudes in cars yelling "Go back to your Star Wars convention." Uh, sorry dude wrong thing, if you are going to be a dick about it get it right.

But at one point at that weekend, I was standing next to an inexplicably

Or, I like comments on a really simple recipe where they have added a ton of spices and other ingredients. Then they say they can't really rate the recipe based on what they made. No, shit Sherlock.

I do web design for my job, you have described my life. I've had business owners ask me what Yelp! is. Or people after being told to press F5 to refresh the page, tell me it didn't work, then later tell me they pressed the F and the 5 key. ;_;

Ha! My Mom cooked the plastic bag of giblets in the turkey not once, but twice.

Could it be people with ADHD just need more stimulation then normal people?

It maybe possible to have a cable company install cable in your house, but it might cost a lot though. I knew someone in college who's family was doing this. They contacted Comcast, and got a quote. I think it was $400 dollars (ish) for Comcast to come out and dig a ditch and lay wires. If I remember correctly

Maybe they think that will make their kids get a doctorate??