
My male friend is wearing two different skin suit costumes to a con. I am very, very glad he bought a dance belt. It really made a difference in the lumps down there.

My friend married a Japanese woman with her name in English tattooed in a heart on her arm.

I've known nerds to were them since the late 90s. Go to a convention like PAX and at least 20%+ of the dudes there are wearing one. I don't hate them. But in the geek community it has kind of become a sign of a dude who is trying to hard and doesn't know what he is doing.

Yeah, I think I heard whoever was taking the video laugh. Not, funny for the child or the cat.

Those maxi dresses don't look all that different from some of the stuff I wore in the 80's and I wasn't to into dressy clothes.

I was wondering why that looked like a DnD character sheet. LOL. It would be cool to see pictures from this wedding.

You could go with the joke version seen in a lot of anime where it is a fish head on top and a human body below.

Walmart charges extra for Plus sized clothes. It isn't that big of deal. As, I've made some clothes and costumes I can tell you as a plus sized person it does take a decent amount of extra fabric depending on your size. Though I think I am fine with yoga pants from Lane Bryant.

My Mom isn't that bad but, she is always the one to start the conversation. I still try and keep them short. Though I have very little in common with my Mother so we don't have a lot to talk about.

Location is right! I bought a 3 bedroom house last year and it was $87,000. Now my cousin bought a 4 bedroom house (but isn't much bigger then mine) and it was $700,000 dollars. Because I live out side of Reading, PA (which is kind of a dump) and he lives in the Philly mainline. We only live maybe 40 or 50 minutes

My friend managed to get a VA plate that had "LOLWTF" on it. But when he got a new car and went to register it, they wouldn't let him keep the plates.

I was injured at Action Park. Now, that I think about it, that should totally be on a shirt.

Yes, but those all were monthly. The only weekly comics I can think of was 52 and the series that came out after that (which was much lower in quality than 52). 52 was also handled by a team of writers who each handled their own storyline in the book.

I was 8 hours away from home. I didn't want someone to drive 8 hours to get me and then drive 8 hours back.

Things haven't gotten better. There was a recent Time Magazine special called The Bitter Pill and it talked about hospital charge master sheets. How the prices very wildly from places to place. Medicare and insurance companies can get discounts but individual users it is fight and half to try to get any. It also

Well, like a lot of answers here it all ready depends. If the parents have insurance generally at least some of the costs are cover, to all the costs being covered. If you have no insurance and are below the poverty level then (I think) medicare (healthcare through the state) will cover it. It is the working poor

You should ask the questions. As someone in the U.S. who has gone with and without insurance, it has been mind boggling.

One was the day after PAX East 2012. I was going home later that day (Monday) and so I had to kill time. I went and saw a couple of movies. But it ran longer than expected. So, I hurried to go eat dinner because I really, really wanted Pho. I ordered chicken spring rolls. I ate one but when I went to eat the

I've never had a baby but if I were to, I would never want my Mother there. She would drive me bonkers. The less people the better. In fact, I don't think I would even call my Mother until the baby was born because it would just make life easier.

I worked at Taco Bell and we used to get a lot of kids on bikes. We would serve them but there were some issues. The bell that rings in the headset to notify the person who talks over the loud speaker didn't go off when it wasn't a car. So, there was no way of knowing a person on a bike (or a horse) is waiting