
“there aren’t that many more big “Well, you’ve been asking for it this whole time...” type additions to be made.”

Except all the stuff that people were actually begging for instead of that “power play” nonsense... like a complete revamp of the USS system, some actual NPC persistence instead of ships that spawn in a

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Even when he wasn’t on screen, Andreas Katsulas was fantastic:

“that force low-res polygons”

What the hell is a low-res polygon?

I find it interesting how little anyone talks about surnames.

America likes to talk about “white” people as one thing. But you look at all the crazy surnames among American white people and you see something rather different (and something a lot of American writers fail to grasp, when portraying things other than

I find it interesting that “white” has been so generalised that all white people are lumped together, and that this is somehow seen as okay and not at all racist.

I suppose it’s the American influence. It rather reminds me of the time I was dating a black girl while studying abroad in LA - she insisted that I wasn’t

Batman blatantly has super powers. We act as if his ridiculous physical prowess, incredible training in every field of combat and science, great intelligence and engineering ingenuity and obscene wealth is actually humanly possible in *one person* - he’s a freak, as surely as if they’d given him laser-eyes.

Where anything code is concerned, I’d be far more inclined to believe Carmack than just about anyone else. That guy is just... a robot. And I mean that in a good way.

The game, ultimately, *should* push all players to join the Empire. I find it puzzling that anyone would decide otherwise.

In the main story, it is revealed pretty clearly that the whole rebellion thing has been engineered by the Dominion, and that even Ulfric himself was perhaps one of their tools. And that so long as

You’re making some pretty hefty demands, while acting as if it’s all such a small and inconsequential thing. I think consumers of various art forms forget their place in the equation - as much as artists rely on an audience in order to make an actual living out of their art, that doesn’t really mean the audience is

I have an old screenshot kicking around here somewhere of a bug I encountered during the early days of Burning Crusade... never actually understood what I’d found until now:

During some combat, I noticed the combat log kept talking about a “Quest Bunny” and how it was emitting “blood spurts” or something similarly

I think really the point is, you shouldn’t have to work on it. You shouldn’t have to apologise when you felt bad because someone *tried to make you feel bad*. That’s like apologising for saying “Ow!” when someone punches you in the face.

Because that’s what it really boils down to. Bad sportsmanship is about

I think good sportsmanship should be taken far more seriously than it is these days - I really think the Halo developers should have actually tried to punish people somehow for teabagging, for example, instead of turning into some kind of FPS tradition.

Good sportsmanship isn’t just about general, abstract notions of

Ah, ancient memories now make sense! One time, back like... in truly ancient times, I was grinding the Scarlet Monastery solo, and something freaky happened due to my repeated entry/exit+reset antics... suddenly I found myself dead, and in Hillsbrad.

I had to run all the way from Hillsbrad to Tirisfal on ghost-foot.

Now if only someone would make a good quality Sega Genesis/Megadrive controller for PC...

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For an alternative to Destiny, consider taking a look at Warframe (a game which shares a number of Destiny’s ideas, but *cough* predates Destiny... take from that what you will):

To be fair, that one about him leaving fans and analysts isn’t some minor grammar issue - I literally have no idea wtf that’s supposed to mean.

I’ve found that as I’ve grown older, playing shooters online... my reflexes have dulled a little, but I’m much better at *predicting* things.

Like, someone takes me by surprise? I’ll hit everything *but* them. Yet the probability of me actually being taken by surprise has dropped significantly, and I’m actually far

Be warned though - I’ve found the DS4 to be insanely picky when it comes to USB cables. The damn thing just wouldn’t detect on windows unless I used a specific cable, and there didn’t seem to be any logic to it - the same cables worked with other devices.

I think people forget that titles such as System Shock 2, Thief, Deus Ex (technically 2000, but c’mon, it was built using the same technology as Unreal 1) etc were 90s games. Late 90s, sure, but 90s.

I suspect younger generations of gamers and game developers have a slightly confused view of a past they can barely

You... hated 90s shooters.

As opposed to... what exactly? Keeping in mind that the original Doom wasn’t released until, what... 93? I wasn’t aware that FPS games were particularly numerous prior to this, though there were a number of first person dungeon crawlers and the like.

But then with a lot of these “90s style”