
Ultimately, I think we’ll struggle to come up with any formal education that can actually match the kind of free discovery process young people went through back in the 80s and 90s - to this day, the most inventive game designers, for example, tend to be the kids who got into technology simply because “dad let me use

Oh but MS Office is pretty important. You gotta learn the exact code for the exact version of excel that will open up whatever stupid secret game they hid in it!

“The vast majority of folks, including the internet generation, don’t have a clue how computers work.”

I think it’s worse than that. Younger generations actually know less and less about technology than the older ones, because of all the “user-friendly” crap being churned out by the likes of Apple, and all these smart

Looking at some of the non-sale prices of the big publisher titles, I think people have rather forgotten that the entire point of Steam was... no physical publishing costs, lower price tag. Why are people happily spending full physical retail price for a digital product? And, in many cases where the major publishers

Now playing

“A lot of FPS games could learn from that opening level and how the tutorial was seemlessly integrated into the early combat...”

How times change... that a “tutorial” should even feature in Doom’s vocabulary...

I still don’t understand the appeal, but I seem to be one of the few people who doesn’t see sun shining out of Doom 2016's behind - I can’t help but wonder if a big part of its success is merely that it wasn’t bad, and everyone was truly expecting it to be terrible.

Sadly, you see a whole lot of people popping up on a game’s steam discussion board demanding that Valve fix games they didn’t make. People seem to struggle with general idea of digital retailers.

Er, what are you on about? People criticize the colouring of recent Marvel movies because they look bad. They have a boring look. It’s not that people are failing to grasp some profound artistic style - the colours are just drab. And not even in a dramatic “gritty” realism sense, like in Children of Men, for example.

After the world saw the perfectly-framed and smooth minimal-CGI action of Fury Road, I don’t understand how anyone could actually sit through a Marvel movie. The action in those movies is terrible - I actually had to look away during some of the Winter Soldier fight sequences because the camera was so shaky, it was

Very much yes. It’s especially pitiful when you get the common “ridiculous goal in the first 30 seconds” and people ragequit because of that. Like, they ragequit when the ball spectacularly bounced three times and scored after the initial collision.

Also, find some way to flash the words “YOU ARE AN IDIOT” on the

Define poor people.

Because for a big budget, graphically impressive game like Doom, you require a certain level of hardware in order to run the game.

It would be a more reasonable excuse if we were talking about pirating something designed to run on a potato.

Computer games are a luxury from the consumer’s point of

I think the general aesthetic of Warhammer 40k, and the general nature of the setting, is that when mankind has spread so far across the galaxy that it can’t even remember how many colonies it has, let alone manage them all... human society, when viewed as a whole, becomes a pastiche of pretty much every bit of

You can also play the original Doom in GZDoom, don’t forget.

Of course, maybe the various corporate entities deciding which shows get to be exclusives should learn that when you make a show completely exclusive to specific subscription platforms... you’re cutting off a whole lot of people who either won’t, or can’t subscribe to that particular service.

And thus, piracy ensues.


“healthcare through health insurance marketplaces...”

It never ceases to amaze me that every Christmas, America churns out new versions of A Christmas Carol... all gleaming white smiles and heart-warming moments of self-sacrifice and compassion...

Then the entire population goes right back to being the most bizarrely

“But large parts of the bottom half are just a brown wasteland...”

Except for the entire area around the city of Vivec, which is either... you know, multiple open-world cells of the city itself (plus its neighbouring town of Ebonheart, which is actually almost the size of a city in Skyrim terms), or rolling green

But then in your words, the start of DR4 “...leaps into a bloody and hilarious dream sequence where Frank chases his past self while blowing up tons of zombies...”

I guess I’ll have to watch some gameplay clips or something.

I’m curious about this tone issue in this regard then - Dead Rising 2 was full of really glaring tone issues. You’d be dressed up in a stupid costume, doing stupid things to kill zombies... then suddenly the story would be all about conspiracy stuff and getting medicine to your daughter, with at least one character

Fear 2 was great, and the Reborn DLC was great (in which the whole point was that Paxton Fettel gets a new clone body).

Then Fear 3 came along, and Fear 3 had some neat ideas but was developed by different people, written by different people, and its story just... didn’t really line up with the first two games that

Certainly I think the developers should win awards for the raw *stuff* they’ve managed to shove out the door. And for the art direction.

What I find really strange though is how Destiny managed to rip off a large number of Warframe’s elements without anyone noticing. Even the general story runs along similar lines.