

Single dad here, who has only one kid, works 40-50 hours a week, and has to do everything. It sucks to not spend more time with the boy - I hate tossing him into daycare, but that’s life, and it’s decent socialization. I make up for it by turning the screens off after 6 and reading as many books as he wants and

I appreciated #6 for the wrong reasons - I totally understand PT Cruiser hate, but I’m surrounded (okay, two people) by young broke ladies driving PT Cruisers. They have all the hauling space they’ll ever need, plus get decent gas mileage, already have boyfriends, so they’re not losing out on love because their

I don’t care about their message. I’m impressed that they put rope guards on the screen above them, more than anything else. If they get charged with destruction of any property, it’s bullshit.

That rather dry, bureaucratic way of describing children by Prosser was fucking awesome to me, as a 4 year old boy haver.

I’d sob my way through my 17th beer tonight, except I’m all out of tears, Johnny. I’d marry Pete Rose and his desperate mullet to get you back, I would.

This is my bi-erratic comment appreciating this post about ignoring football, because pro football is a corrupt, over-commercialized mess and isn’t going to exist in 10 years after a congressional investigation finds out there are 6 concussions on every play, and Roger Goodell is a test-tube clone of Adoph Hitler.

They both sound fucking stupid. Like, barely literate. I hope this is the Matrix and everything is fucked up on purpose for cynical reasons.

That immediately makes me care about Bill Simmons again. He’s a really really good talent-spotter. And maintainer, I guess. His own content is too smug and insecure, but I think he knows where his true talents lie.

Yet another ‘-zilla’ with a great deal more than their share of common sense.

I can’t remember the last time I used the word “fag” or any variations. Your assumption, and the assumption a lot of other idiots have made, is that I’m trying to justify my own behavior. I’m not. I’m a big fan of free speech, however it manifests itself. I carry that to its logical extent. I also oppose all the

Yeah, I’m good with that. All of that.

I certainly don’t agree with that last mean bit, but...the rest of it, yes.

I would have kept it too. Awesome.

You are so angry, sir. I’m not a martyr, and neither am I being persecuted. I don’t take being called any ‘-ist’ personally because those accusations are always based on erroneous assumptions. But it gets old. And is disappointing.

I love this comment. Keep doing you, fine sir.

I am not joking about having had enough of PC culture, and I don’t think you’ve had enough experiences.

Hitchens was an American citizen.

Generally, the responses I get are that since I’m anti-PC, I’m generally a bigot, and if I’m a bigot, it means I’m all of those bad things. Racist, homophobic, sexist, and anything else, depending on the anger of the accuser. I think the PC movement of the last 5 years or so is running out of steam and hitting its