Watch the 12th episode of South Park’s 13th season. “The F-word.”
Watch the 12th episode of South Park’s 13th season. “The F-word.”
I’m tired of starring replies - kinja is moronic and impossible, so let me present my ulterior motive: I support free speech. Not just the speech I like, but all of it. Here is the single most gloriously American video on youtube, and I hope the message is imprinted on your brain forever, like mine:
At least, a reasonable semi-dissenting opinion. I mean it without sarcasm.
It has no other relevant use than as a homophobic term
If in your mind taking a stand against Big PC makes me a racist, then you’re free to voice any number of opinions that I won’t give a shit about. I mean no condescension, but this really is a maturity thing. Supporting PC culture is childish, simplistic, and really fucking wrong, because context and intent are…
Blacks will automatically think you’re racist, gays will automatically think you’re homophobice, and Jewish people will think you’re a anti-Semite.
I get horribly insulted every time. Love it. I support everyone’s freedom to voice their hatred of me.
“Holy hell, this bastard’s a Nazi sympathizer / racist / anti-Semitic / terrorist / redneck!”
Do away with Robert Evans, and I will fucking cut myself, Drew. For fucks sake, get rid of the highly unfunny and rather uncomfortable Emmit Smith section instead.
(and wholly inadequate) concussion protocol
...You’ve seemed to me not simply celebratory, but also contemplative.
Find out which publication the Great Moments in Poop History contributer writes for regularly, and you won’t lack for Gregg Easterbrook Memorial Haughty Dipshit Of The Week section material either.
Bring back chili cheese burritos (to the west), you fucking monsters.
I applaud Taco Bell for being bold and gross
Ah yes, the “I have two black friends, see how unracist I am” defense.
Votto is a pent-up, super-quiet guy. Good clubhouse guy, maybe even excessively Russell Wilson-like positive. When he loses it, he fucking blows his stack.
I would take this story out for dinner and then make sweet love to it, feed it breakfast in the morning, take it out for a coffee, and then text it that evening about a second date.
Looks like the comments are already full of “hey give me a cookie for being so wonderfully tolerant of *insert politically correct thing normal human beings all already agree with*”. Have your cookie, and shut up and watch this to learn about some REAL motherfucking tolerance.
Yeah, that’s a good idea. I usually take...*sigh*...healthy snacks that do nothing for his motivation.