
Manbun here: the most terrible, awful secret in all of my life is that as a white homeschooled bible-belt christian kid in the 80s, I hairsprayed a permanent fucking side-part into my fucking hair, and my asshole parents never said a word. When I see square-ass politicians like John Kerry and Mitt Romney, I fantasize

Question: How the fuck did/does the same Peter Gammons get verified on Twitter and have no fucking idea how to use it?

If only enough of us were willing to be eco-terrorists. We could solve that problem.

1. If you can’t find the Big Dipper, you might be in the southern hemisphere. I know, I’ve never heard of that place either.

Allow me to puff on the bubble pipe I have with me for a moment, as I contemplate the full rammifications of what you’ve just said, sir.

Just an awesome photo. Absolutely love it, and am going to put my Reds Cueto jersey on and drink myself to fucking death.

Hard to tell, but it looks like he was safe at first, which made me laugh audibly.

This comment brought me true happiness.

I want to get very angry about this list and do a bit of shouting about how all the books I like are better and how the author should eat a tub of shit, but instead I have two objectively true statements to make: One - if you read to your kid, even after a long day at work, you’re probably an awesome parent. And two -

My guess is the Marine Corps symbol, the globe and anchor, since it’s on about 50 million old guys and is still pretty normal for new recruits.

That e-mail of the week was one of the most uplifting things I’ve read in awhile. Holy shit?

Utahn here:

I only clicked because of a photo of the most adorable expression in the universe.

I choose to be turned on by this.


some Steve Nash shit

I should be making some awesome joke that would get me a bazillion stars. Instead, I just want to say that it’s really fucking sad. I have a 4 year old boy who is as sweet and innocent as any human being could possibly be, and can’t help but visualize him in that sitation, and it makes me want to cry. That poor little

Worst? You mean my favorite. Going to his wiki/imdb page would take effort I’m not prepared to make, but I am going to sit here and hope they’re still together because of that tweet.

That video is BEGGING for new voiceover, because those announcers were a disgrace. Also, holy shit, The Rock down there knows his moves.

“Watermelons aren’t great”