
God damn it. I have "Sail" open in another tab because..I live in Utah, apparently. Get out of my head.

I skipped down to the comments to let everyone in the universe know that I almost fucking broke something when I got to the Spurrier lip flap. I almost vomited from laughter.

Collins is an awful basketball player signing with an awful team for an awfully short amount of time and probably will log 10 total minutes or less. Can we skip ahead to the time where we stop making a big deal about someone because of their sexuality? Some of us are already there and it's better than, "omg a gay

I KNOW THIS IS A SPORTS WEBSITE AND I AM A SPORTS FAN THAT IS READING IT. And commenting. But it's just motherfucking sports. I don't really give a pile of aborted goat fetuses if it's properly researched and scientifically evaluated data. I also don't care if others do care, thus completing this commenting circle of

I definitely agree.

This model is shit until it's been tweaked to fit my preformed opinions of who is awesome and who is not.

I enjoy the term "squalor" and henceforth resolve to remain in it.

"Friendzone" and "girlfriendzone" are terms best left behind in high school. There are, in fact, emotionally mature males in existence who are able to function around females without taking Every. Single. Action. (or word) they say as a come-on. In other words, there are men do not do all their thinking with their

I started unfucking myself a few months ago, and happily look forward to having other people in the gym who look as bad or worse than me, and are just as clueless about the equipment as I am. Oh, and being able to flex my microscopic pectorals for the first time is god damn amazing. Welcome, resolosers!

I'm going to assume you're as high as I am.

The US mutant ninja turtles don't play soccer anyway, not sure why all the talk.

I know the Robert Evans feature is as old as the Jamboroo, but it's just so goddamn fantastic. Never change, Drew. File this comment in the "fawning suck-up" drawer. Also, I was wondering if this feature was originally inspired by the Evans interview Homer was watching on TV in an old Simpsons. "See, it's just

I kind of wished you would shut about half-way through that, but thumbs up anyway.

Oh god, I laughed.

Maybe have some group sessions where guys sit down and maybe talk about what’s going on off the field or what’s going on in the building and not mask everything.

Here here. That after a tumultuous and shitty teen and twenties life, where I doubtlessly treated lots of people like crap, I have tried hard to be the kindest human being on planet Earth. It sounds like Drew isn't actually a dickhole any more either. We don't grow up until, like, 35, apparently.

College was exactly the same for me, except I didn't play football. Hurray for not learning about myself until I was fucking 27. Drew, your introspective posts awesome, likely because they speak to me personally. Thanks.

And Dallas's defense should kill themselves.

That run gave me a boner. I mean, I know I should be desperately nitpicking about every detail, but not this time. +1 to AP. What a great running back.

You remind me of my ultra-conservative father, who refuses to view a film unless he agrees with the major actors' and actresses' political views. Did you ever watch Iverson play? The post has nothing to with his personal life. You dumbass.