
And by Texas, you mean Lou Holtz...who was the one who actually used the term "hip hop coach." For God's sake, do some research before posting articles like this.

Side note though: Fuck Priefer and anyone that uses the "too PC" thing to silence any discussion on equality is a worthless bigoted piece of shit.

Given Kluwe's gaming habits, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a simple matter of Priefer being a Mac guy while Kluwe was too PC.

Why does that matter if the cause is just?

Thank you for this. As a Vikings fan, I hope that speaking out for your beliefs wasn't what caused them to replace you but, as a rational person, I know that's not likely to be true. I also can only hope that you telling your side of the story moves the ball forward (ha) on making the Vikings and the NFL a place

I sincerely hope the end result of this article being published is Priefer being unemployable as an NFL coach.

Excellent fucking article. Great job.

It's a good theory, but I don't think it makes complete sense. Priefer wouldn't cut you because he'd be afraid that he'd catch AIDS.

I can't think of a better alternative.

And the goalies should always wear touques.

Spoken like someone who couldn't rely on talent in the first place. That's like saying because microwaves are so easy to use anyone should be able to cook a great meal.

Martin also snapped one of the iconic images from the insane finish at the Iron Bowl.

This thread is bullshit without the Kool-Aid Coach.

Your in the minority on that one....

I thought it was okay. I generally really like Ferrell's shtick, and the first one was an all-timer in my opinion. I think this is one of the best reviews you've done, because even though it's guilty of every criticism you've listed, I don't feel like it misled anyone or ever pretended to be anything more than

Umm that pretty much is the definition of a cult hit. Does poorly in theaters and then is watched at home repeatedly and quoted incessantly. Boondock Saints and Grandmas Boy are 2 others I can think of off the top of my head.


As educators, our hands are pretty tied in these things. We can report the issues to the academic affairs officers and our direct superiors, but (especially as doctoral students) that's as far as it can go. Naming names is out of the question, because federal laws protect the students.

Wow. I ended up feeling incredibly bad for almost every single party in this story. The faculty, the advisors, the players, damn near everyone. Well, except for the coaches and NCAA. Per usual.