OK. Good to see that we totally agree that Sansa was in the right and that Jon was an asshat for not listening to her and following her advice.
OK. Good to see that we totally agree that Sansa was in the right and that Jon was an asshat for not listening to her and following her advice.
RE: People can double their earnings just by moving one state over.
Some progressives want a single payer health system.
RE: If only there was some kind of template for a common-sense, grassroots, progressive policy agenda the party could adopt to stop losing elections.
Ultimately, though, from what we have seen, the White Walkers just want to kill everybody. This is still, so far, classic mindless zombie stuff. I agree that the White Walkers seem to have some form of intellect, but this has not been developed so far.
The tv show downplays some of the historical background the the novels are based on. Victorious rulers take away the lands, castles, property of the vanquished and give it to their followers. This is one of the ways that future loyalty is established and reinforced. That it “punishes” the original owner is actually…
It’s too bad Sansa didn’t say, “You know nothing, Jon Snow.”
It’s kinda funny. “Africa” is catchy and easy to pick up once you hear a little piece of it. But it is also innocuous and just a few steps up from elevator or supermarket music. It is extremely competent, but it is doesn’t shake you up or excite you.
RE: I’m looking at more from how Dany’s arc is progressing. They haven’t set up anything in the show that will nullify or counter THREE dragons.
RE: The only thing that has ever mattered is the fight between the living and the dead.
Be patient. GRRM and the show runners know that on paper Cersei maybe has the weakest position, and Dany the strongest. Something has to happen to shake things up and give Cersei a fighting chance. Something has to happen which will knock Dany down.
It’s not just punishing the rebellious families. Rulers must reward those who fight for them. That’s kinda how conquest works.
Sansa represents the natural response of the other people of the North. None of them have seen the Night’s King. He is still more a fable than anything real. And Jon can still be betrayed by living people who have not seen what he has seen. He made similar mistakes when he was in charge of the Wall. It’s telling…
The conflict between Jon and Sansa is good drama; it’s dumb of fans of the show to want no conflict between them.
I think that Sansa was right, and this dispute is going to cause trouble later on. Maybe the Starks and the lords of the North had a tradition of having the king hold council in the open. In Kings Landing, discussion would be had by the small council, not in the open.
Also, jumping the Stark...
I loved this episode, even though some people claimed it was too slow, because there was a lot of subtle, but definitive plot development. I have no spoiler information, but this is what I saw based on this episode.
New Trump motto: Make America Creepy Again.
Disneyland ain’t history. Disneyland ain’t reality. If a talking mouse lives in your house, I would suggest that you get your medication adjusted.
Still a bit of a gap, but this is better, if the new series will air in fall, 2018.