
Sarah Palin can spell the word “defamation?”

I don’t know, you also could also ask why some black heroes have to be identified by “Black in their names.” But also think about what kinds of powers many female superheroes have. Lightning, control of electricity and nature also means that sensitive souls would not have to see black (and female) heroes throwing

I don’t care about “Clone Wars,” the so-called Extended Universe, or any of the supposed “canon” that clutters Star Wars. And it is absurd to think that seeing all of that junk recapitulated as Star Wars movies so that fans can see the same old junk again somehow represents variety, experimentation or creativity.

What, apart from the first three Star Wars films, has ever been essential? The novels, the animated series?

Again, you are more wrong than correct. Additional payroll taxes and net investment income taxes on upper income taxpayers are part of the foundations of the Affordable Care Act. And Congress did prevent the collection of the individual mandate if it were not paid, which undermined the Affordable Care Act from the

RE: “the revenue from white hosts more than tripled the dollar amount black hosts received. “

You’re wrong in pretty much everything you have written. Insurance is about creating a broad pool of customers to mitigate risk. And the basic premise of the Affordable Care Act, putting as many people as possible into the pool, is far more rational than the Republican plan of trying to separate out the potentially

Well, we at least know that insects don’t do it “doggie style.”

I don’t regularly use Excel, so the gate is still open for me. The quality of the keyboard is important.

Good article and some great comments. Bottom line is that for important files and material, the Cloud should be considered as part of a back up strategy.

“Plahseebow.” Cool name. The only name I can think of that comes close to this is “Goop.” Wonder if anyone is using that one.

RE: The fact is that everyone who does not have some adverse side effects from statins, should be taking them, with a few exceptions, and the FDA knows that and the failure to acknowledge the benefits.

Where o where is the Jill Stein or Sanders supporter to tell us that the Democrats are exactly like the Trumpeteer Republicans?

I’ll make it even easier. Be a goddam artist. If a creator can imagine himself or herself to be a walking tree (I am Groot), then imagining the perspective of a black woman should not be a big freaking deal, nor should it require hand wringing or apologies.

Fair enough. I’m pretty much done with the Transformer movies, myself.

A person with sleep apnea stops breathing. This lack of oxygen can cause a cascade of problems, especially if something does not jar the person awake or leads them to catch a breath again. The sad thing is that the report simply says “sleep apnea,” but rightly does not get into speculation about how it may have

It sure as hell surprised me. I expected more from someone who made a film as assured as “Lost In Translation.” But then again, imagine that film, set in Japan, and not showing a single Japanese person.

Ha! It’s a variation of the same issue. The series “Master of None,” also set in New York doesn’t simply “correct” this problem. It effortlessly finds the people who apparently are invisible to other comedy show runners. Ironically enough, comedy and drama films in the early decades of cinema were better about

Had a white male director said that he was making a film about the Confederacy without any black characters, most people would rightfully mock such stupidity. These days there is often talk (often phony) about cultural appropriation, but what can we say about cultural dis-appropriation, the deliberate exclusion of