
It's like your body keeps you just healthy enough to incubate your parasite and that is all. I'm sorry you went through all of that. I used to get heartburn from eating bread. Plain, white-ass bread. It was so bad I used to drink Gaviscon straight from the bottle and sleep sitting up. Let's not get into that I was

THIS. On a scale where stuff like what happened to you is a 10, we had like an 8. And after our baby was born she needed to have a surgery to correct an issue with her intestines. Having a baby is a potentially stressful thing even if you're all in.

I think it's just a symptom of hating yourself... of really, really deep self-hatred. I don't think it speaks to anything except "I want to be as different from who I am as I can ever, ever get." I do think she also has some deep-seated issues with racism. Sounds weird since she "loves" Drake so much, but who knows. I

Fashion designers really need to pay more attention to detailing the backs of pieces. Looking gorgeous as you walk away is kind of important.

I am OB.SESSED with this detail!

You're ttoally right - he reminds me of Shy Ronnie all growed up:

HPV infection rates are rising sharply, and the lag to OPC can be 10-15 years.

I wish the headline was a little less glib. The tone is almost like it's funny an STD was the cause of his cancer. My dad died from HPV+ throat cancer and wish Jezebel would be more sensitive. There was a previous post referring to his marathon cunnilingus sessions —it's just offensive to make light of like this.


The bangs hanging down is part of what attracted me.

I'm more on the level of the guys from The Office when it comes to parkour. Come to think of it, I'm more on the level of the guys from The Office when it comes to most things in life.

They got this.

Not to say I'm on his side 100%, but I thought ageism in broadcast journalism was a real issue.

Too be fair, age discrimination is a real issue, and one which negatively affects millions of elderly in the US. This guy may be a dick, but not everybody can retire at 63- some people need to continue working to, y'know- continue living. pushing out people who still do a good job and just happen to be old, also

although this guy seems like an idiot ageism is a real thing

She's decided her daughter will see her naked. My parents made that choice. I didn't need to see them naked, and they didn't need me to see them, but they absolutely didn't want to have to live an ever-vigilant life in a no-nudity house, or teach us that there was something bad about nudity.

Def. We know the guy, as @Colesore pointed out, has MRA tendencies. I'd say the exaggerated danger he assigns to his fantasy is a way of minimizing real rape, assault, catcalling, all down the line. Like the MRA fave about how every woman who didn't split the check has already taken money for sex. Blend the evil

Biology! It's just like storytelling! About animals.

If your ego is so fragile that it can be destroyed by your wife making more money than you, why are women considered the weaker sex again?