Oh hell, that breaks my heart!! I *think* read somewhere that when it starts young it's often a one off and doesn't kick in with regularity or intensity until they're older?
Oh hell, that breaks my heart!! I *think* read somewhere that when it starts young it's often a one off and doesn't kick in with regularity or intensity until they're older?
Ergh, CREEPY. Sorry, but glad you had a cool mom who was all "I'm seeing you, guy."
Thanks, that's helpful. I'm hoping my daughter also gets smacked with the puberty stick at the later end of the curve. I have always been grateful that I was a late bloomer , I think it allowed me to be a kid longer.
Is that medically accurate and confirmed? Interesting, and anecdotally helps explain why I was the last girl in my grade to get her period (just shy of 16): I was definitely one of the skinniest.
cats know what's up. Paw-bump.
That honestly defies logic. It really does. Lookit her bone structure!!
Gah. Awesome. I also love hairy chests (or non hairy, or boobs, I gotta lotta love in me) and I think part of it is this weird nostalgiac imprinting on me from the late 70s Casually Manly dudes. Good stuff.
Lo, this truly was a golden age...
I never really appreciated how much he rocked the stache. Was that an equivalent hipster-type affectation even then, in wonder??
I'm kind of okay with that, as long as her basis for disliking someone is earned by actual bad behavior on their part and not, like, their face. I think there's a difference between being a good person and being a NICE person, and there's too much bullshit pressure of "niceness" on women in general.
Yeah, agreed. If i was five, I would anoint him David Creeperberg.
Awesome! I hope other peeps chime in with some more, because I would LOVE to collect a bunch of funny, unrelated "what RR did that one time" anecdotes and string them together and pretend it was one bizarre epic night for him. Kind of like merging the celebrity-movie and the "what the fuck happened last night" …
It's been a while since I dealt with US visa stuff (I married an American) so I can't recall offhand what the age limit is to sponsor your kids if you get a greencard here, but MAKE SURE you find that out from a legit source. Immigration is a pretty black and white system, there's not a lot of mystery to it or…
Similar to the other poster, I was wiped and thought it was in my head, a bloodtest proved I was vitD deficient and anemic, doc prescribed iron pills and prescription level vit D. HUGE difference. Now, I make an effort to get some sun everyday and take a multivitamin. But given your family history it would make…
were you born in the same country you'e living in now?
One night just as he was getting famous and on his first international promo tour, Jason Statham invited me to drive around town in his limo with him because he didn't know anyone. I said no. Because I'm an idiot (more specifically, because he was a "stranger" and I was a very sheltered and paranoid chippy. THANKS,…