How old are you both? How long have you been together? And, when you say he lives with his parents but isn't a citizen/can't work — does that mean his parents are also not citizens, or is there a chance they can sponsor him?
How old are you both? How long have you been together? And, when you say he lives with his parents but isn't a citizen/can't work — does that mean his parents are also not citizens, or is there a chance they can sponsor him?
He looks good for someone who just had a baby! —(is something I sometimes wish men had to hear a million times as new dads, too)
Oh man, I'm so sorry, that sounds intense. Do you/he have support of family and friends nearby? It's too much for you to have to handle on your own (at least if pregnancy is as hard on your emotional state as it was for mine).
I think those are words to live by.
Well hey, live and learn. In our defense as human-peoples, our genitals WERE placed super, super far from our brains, through no fault of our own. THANKS, NATURE.
What's his mental health history? Is he at risk for self-harming? (I know that's not something you can answer concretely, I'm more trying to get a sense of patterns and severity).
My main protective caveats are strictly psychological: always and only ever do something sexual because you want to, not because you need to (either compulsively, or to prove something to yourself/others).
I'm assuming you read io9, yes? because it def fits the bill.
More's the pity. I mean, the ingredients for LEGIT SEXY were right there.
Most amazing thing I've seen today, thank you — this look needs to become regular issue STAT.
Damn. Hope one of your family members is a writer, because you/they could at least salvage a career's-worth of material out of the pathos of that scene alone...
It's cruel of my brain to totally forget about that movie until your kind reminder.
Agreed. I'm admittedly intrigued about any situation where someone seems to want custody (and is legally fit for it) but it amounts to twelve days a year. Every situation is different etc (perhaps the other parent is out of state/country, or in the military?) but the term "custody" sounds stange in context of 12…
We can hope, friend. We can certainly hope.
Hey, thanks for this. It makes sense that, at some point, these things have been broken out mathematically (given that there are a set amount of days per year, etc.) for legal reasons. But it's somehow very disquieting seeing it writ large. So clinical and defined, for something that is usually so messy and…
ha! Holy shit, same. The PTA people must HATE us, I haven't done jack for a single bake fair yet...