
I actually gave up on TB fairly early, largely because I couldn't stand Sucky Sookie.

Yeah, I was really expecting some sort of cheeky, fun twist at the end, and kept waiting for it. Maybe switching the POV to the woman of his dreams (the one with the cop hat) looking at him with her magic glasses and seeing his boring old tighty whities and moving on in distaste, so he at least got hoisted by the

The Cruz one left me wanting a shower and not in a good way. Also, a bit torn over whether I thought it was cool that a pregnant woman was featured in a sexy negligee, or whether it was fucking depressing that even pregnant women (from the commercial's POV) need to be high maintenance fuckworthy. I was confused, so

Would you feel more comfortable if you talked to him about it? Is there a general vibe about him that makes you ill at ease?

I actually thought that (for a sitcom) the women on Friends had some very solid, Bechdel-passing friendship moments. They were loyal and good to one another.

Yeah, I'm genuinely curious, because the disconnect between who (I *think*) the consumer is, and who (I *think*) most the ads are targeted to is wonky.

Hmm. That's interesting. DEFINITELY backfired for me in that smarmy Cruz commercial — I had no desire to be any of those women, I wanted to be the dude.

Does anyone have a legit source that clarifies who are the main consumers of lingerie goods for women? Are men the main purchasers, or at least a highly significant section of the market? (I tried googling but mostly got people guessing.)

This is the first time I've been able to say this literally!

Heee. Yes, the Romancer of Ghosts/Goats may not be best PR angle...

Well, NOW you've sold me, and I must buy it! Rawrrr!

"I've only ever had sex with two people. That's my answer. Read from it what you will!"

(Given the context, I totally expected the GoPro to be some pegging strap on or something.)

Sounds like you personally enjoy the look, then, so there's no issue.

It just comes down to a difference in taste, really.

So I'm clear: are you a dude, saying that you'd wear this if it meant you got the star spangled garters getup from your lady in return?

I'm totally fucking buying this, so I can have one on hand the next time my husband hints that he wants me in a full corset and garters setup.

Oh, jebus. What a way to find out. I hope he bought dinner that night...

How did you find out? I've always wondered about how transparent these things are (I've no idea what most of my peers make).

Nooooos! So close. I think I would melt from the critical levels of Damon. I mean, he's no Jason Bourne, but he is as close as we will ever get.