Wait, what in the hell?? Does dickhead mean the same thing is Scotland?
Wait, what in the hell?? Does dickhead mean the same thing is Scotland?
Okay, votes on what Weiner names his weiner.
As someone with an anxiety disorder, that picture makes me slightly terrified. What happens if that little guy slips away from his mom in a crowd (as most kids do at some point)? How would he know which one was his mommy??
I'm guessing that they're targeting it at women. So, this is a momentary concession, then back to bewbs.
From far off, Sally heard the swelling roar of the Pledge of Allegiance with the word 'God' omitted. It was in Spanish. She knew it wouldn't be long now before her forced marriage to Lil' Wayne.
She looks great in all these pics but... this does not look like Britney. Is it a camera angle-thing? Her face changing a bit with age? it's freaking me out.
Holy fuck, I misread this TWICE as "back acne", and was completely mystified re; the yoga connection. Carry on...
Love anal, hate germs (was pretty phobic for a while, wouldn't share drinks/straws/forks etc) so rimming is not in my future. I am okay with this.
I knew *some* people would share my aversion, but I'm comforted by how common this seems to be in these replies! BIG relief.
Okay, your "gross" qualifier cracked me up.
Heheee, not weird at all (if you scroll the answers it's pretty illuminating, lots of votes for either side). I think, personally, I just find tactile stimulation so, erhm, stimulating, that maintaining eye contact and the personal/emotional connection involved on TOP of the physical sensations is just too much, it…
I've grown kinda fond of the giggles, for some reason.
Not a question of "not looking at him" (and/or his bod) but of "not looking into his eyes". Strictly an eye contact Q.
I don't mind, the Jezzers are usually pretty good on OT about making sure things are ungrayed quickly. The only time I get frustrated are the main posts by authors that are put up late at night, when you end up with maybe 2-3 black comments and 96 languishing in graydom all night long. I don't even mind that so much…
I may or may not know that of which you speak. Sometimes, my vag is an unintentional Ejector Seat.
Oh, that's interesting, I think I'm the exact opposite (in that the end is when eye contact is least likely/possible for me.)
Oh my God, I would TOTALLY DO THAT (and may well have, I can't recall). I think it's because anything "intentionally sexy" kind of makes me feel silly — I'm by far not a prude, I'm very openminded about kink etc, yet any role play/dress up that involves inventing a scenario and "acting" would make me crack up because…
Sex: look into partner's eyes, or avoid eye contact?