
That sounds great ~ however you choose to proceed, hope it goes well.

Hm. I'm not up to date on my sex toys, but I gotta think some version of that already exists? I could be wrong, but in a world where there's already a fricking scorpion vibrator...

Go to the goodreads website and join their "what's the name of that book" discussion group. It is AMAZING for helping crowd source answers to exactly this type of question.

Congrats on the procedure! Hope that you're on the mend soon.

I can't see that, but probably mostly because I'm trying really hard not to.

Hmmm. Conceptually, I sort of like the first one... but only if the voice recording was giving hot, dominant smack talk that fit his expression, not these weak and weird "sorry I suck in bed" statements.

What the fuck is this? I would normally assume neck wrinkles, but in this picture it kind of resembles scar tissue.

I agree with all of this (although I think the prevailing prejudice is often more about mania than depression) which is part of why the notion interests me, on a personal level. The first brush I had with this stereotype and how pervasive it is was when I was a child and put into the gifted stream at school. One day

Is that you in the photo, you cheeky minx? Because if so 1. I want your sexy top, and 2. that is a brilliant photo.

Did any of these include a male character who had an amputee fetish??

No, when I was in my 20s my best friend was diagnosed first as bipolar, and then with borderline personality disorder, and I was at her side through the up and downs of multiple meds. It was... a really hard time. I think I have unfairly tied therapy and meds up in my mind with all of that negativity. Not in the

It makes me think of 'shark week'. Can't decide if that's a good thing or bad...

Thanks for including those fabulous quotes. On a personal note, I'm really sorry to hear you had to put aside your writing and painting, especially given your evident talent. Was it a medication issue, may I ask? (I have a loved one belatedly diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and art has always been her emotional

"The promotion of it as a 'gift' is as ridiculous as claiming that we shouldn't try to cure cancer, since some gifted people were once diagnosed with the illness. Suffering is suffering, so whether or not it benefits society at large shouldn't be our main concern."

Horff, that makes sense, too. I didn't know that was a character name in that book series, and I have never been prouder* of myself.

Aww. See, I like to think that Isabelle/Isabella's mothers are close sisters who lost their own mother — that elegant consumptive, Isabella I — at an early age, then at her graveside they lovingly clutched one another's tiny little hands and promised that they'd name their first daughters in their mother's honor.

Slight tangent, but on the topic of new discoveries getting us closer to targeting and eliminating the causes of mental illness: on the one hand, I would personally CHEER WITH GLEE if they found a simple way to excise depression and anxiety and other neuropsychiatric conditions from the human experience.

"He has issues".

That's all very good information to have, thanks (and congrats on the twins, although I can imagine the shock that came with their initial discovery — I was secretly hoping for twins with our first so that "we can have one pregnancy/birth and be done", but I definitely wouldn't be so blithe about it now!)

Is that your threshold, though, a threatened machete attack? For a clearer comparable, let's change the weapon of choice to the one Bynes was actually wielding: matches and a gas can. How about if Bynes threatened to set the woman's house on fire, would that merit the 5150? Because in this instance, she actually