
By all accounts, a young woman who lives in a completely different state brought a container of gas with her to a random old lady's house and lit a fire in the stranger's driveway... and then hung around and watched it for long enough for the cops to arrive. They arrived, spoke with her, and based on the fire and her

The odds are still super small I'd imagine, though... yes? I thought perhaps the older-moms multiples statistics was mostly due to the increased use of fertility treatment in older-moms, do you know if that's true? I still can't decide whether I want to push for a second kiddo (I would love one for my daughter's

Another vote on the positive side noted, thanks!

The cramps that make you shut the door and cry... that was most of my first trimester (amongst other fun things). I was terrified that it was ectopic or otherwise "wrong", but apparently that's just how my body reacts to pregnancy. Fun! BUT, I ended up with a beautiful, healthy girl — since you say you do want to

No, shortly after I gave up on BC I got engaged and wanted to try for a kiddo. That was half a dozen yrs ago and now that I'm pushing forty and not entirely sure I'm done having kids, I wouldn't mind if it got decided by a 'happy accident', so I'm content. But my reaction to the pill definitely made me leery of

Urgh, I don't envy those headaches.

So, basically, you WANT me to go and get drunk, right? You could just say that.

Okay, I'm glad you have that positive example with your sister, and didn't mean to add to your freakout! I will say that I never had any postpartum mood issues, so that's a bonus.

(Sorry, can't help myself, I will bust out Elwes at every tangential opportunity.)

Hey, invasive personal Q time! (Feel free to not answer). Have you had children, by any chance? I had a horrible experience with hormonal BC, and then also had a really hard pregnancy.

That's a secret worry of mine: that the stereotypes of emotionally overwrought women are so ingrained in us via pop culture that girls (and women who have been on the pill since girlhood) who have intense mood swings around their period might blame it on being female, instead of (possibly) from being on the pill.

Ohh, Callie. May I call you Callie? (Psych! Trick question, because I totally already did it.)

Similar post penetrative badness, but I was an adult and it was after my first pap. It was vicious and SO fast.

Oh. Sooo, pour it up your hooha, then, is that the gist? Well, allrighty, if you say so...

Thank you for "yeast infection EXTREME!". Also acceptable: yeast manfection.

That was me with spelling! A gift which now often eludes me. Somehow, while getting old I also got stupid. Okay, fine, I can accept that, but then by transitive law, shouldn't I have gotten better at some of the things as I sucked at as a child, dammit? Developed a sudden impressive ability to dunk or doubledutch,

I'd rather they did show it, but if they do, it would also forever kill Donna's mystique. So, there's that.

On other shows, I might see that, but I really don't, here. Much of that is to Retta's credit, and part is the writing. Take away her size, just look at how the character is written on the page — (understanding that tertiary characters in general do not have private lives on screen, there isn't the time) — and how

I'm getting a very "Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer" vibe from your description, and I am digging it.