
I suspect there are many like yourself who (under sad situations such as you describe) might for the first time consider a termination as at least a possibility on the table, and that should be their right. Which is why the fact that many (most?) of these terminations are about being humane to the mother and not

I can definitely see that. This reminds me of when I was living in Texas and that bill where the doctors had to describe the baby's heart etc before an abortion was passing, and all I could think about was how CRUEL and punishing that would be for parents in the situation you describe. Also, I believe some amnio

Yay! I love a happy ending.

You know how there are pretty much a million sports documentaries following "macho high school athletes, dreaming of getting out of town"? Hoop Dreams, Undefeated, etc?

Such a nightmare, so sorry for your family member. I hope stories like hers/theirs are talked about in these debates, so people remember the real people involved.

Agreed, but sadly, political contests that involve votes are often won or lost based on emotions and unchallenged prejudices. Knowing (even just statistically) some of the reasoning and the personal stories of those involved here humanizes them and the hard choices they made. Drawing a curtain across it helps those

That makes a great deal of sense, thank you. Very telling that that fact is not part of the current discussion, and very unfair.

I don't know anyone (that I'm aware of) who has had an abortion this late, so I was curious as to the numbers and decided to try and find some stats and... whoa. THAT way lies some crazy anti choice links in general that I'd rather avoid.


Is he?? I never heard that, but then I haven't followed him very much (haven't read his book, for instance).

Unless perhaps he's closeted and bisexual and not confident about that detail being known (which doesn't seem like him, frankly — the giving a shit part — and would also be shitty of her to use.)

Was just coming here to say the same. Love the whole farm aesthetic/locale, too, especially as they didn't pair it with some lame hoe-down or milkmaid trashy outfit, as i would have expected.

We're late 30s, and I have to say, the fact that mys husband is so free of bullshit about this gender role stuff (despite coming from a very sexist locale) is SO sexy to me. He deserves all the credit in the world, because he wasn't expressly raised this way, he just educated himself and chose to *be* this way. That

"Currently, my fiancee is away for professional reasons (I won't get into what she does—that's not really my place),"

Honey... is that you? What are you doing on Jez, I thought you were shopping at Costco right now?

Except, if they DID research it, they clearly still didn't care a whit about the fact that she had surviving minor children so... perhaps that means they were also the sort not to care enough to look into it in the first place?

Easy but ineffectual dig, good sir or madam. He has my father's eyebrows, I know them well. Now kindly go fucketh thyself in return.

Truth. And THEN he throws in the hair, which (hard to see in this pic, but appears to be) a mix between nutty professor and devil-may-care artist/slacker.

He reminds me of Michael Biehn (Hicks from Aliens, etc).