Christ, I wonder if they didn't bother researching that possibility, or knew and didn't care?
Christ, I wonder if they didn't bother researching that possibility, or knew and didn't care?
That's a wonderful quote.
Collect the whole set!
Wait, pardon my (possible) ignorance — are freckles always from burns? I suppose I thought they were genetic, the way moles and "beauty marks" are, and not necessarilt from sun damage?
Oh, I know the history, I'm just continually amazed about how many of the more "magical" sort of traditions remain in practice. I'm not offended by any of it, mind you, I just see it differently now than I did as a child.
Excellent! good luck with the follow up, and thanks for giving us a stat update ;-)
If you actually want to be a friend (you don't sound super close, so that may not be what you want?) then consider focusing on just listening, and less on trying to teach her. She won't open up much if she feels judged.
Wake up tomorrow and do some math. Figure out how many pages you need to write/day, draw up a visible schedule. A sense of structure and the building momentum of knocking down those daily tallies can help, as can focusing on the smaller page-per-day goal versus "holy fuckballs this dissertation is huuuuge, I'll…
Scary for all three of you. Hope you're home in your own bed and sound asleep soon.
Bartholin cyst, I think that's what that duct thing is called.
I suspect it's not really about the cat. Is it possible that you deep down simply wish your husband was more openly affectionate or talked to you in more emotional terms — perhaps an ex was better at this than he is, and you miss it, or he's great in so many other ways that you have just conditioned yourself to think…
Fantasies. I have a mental porn reel. Interestingly, I am personally not IN the porn, and neither is anyone I know (I've never really had one of those "let me fantasize about Jim from accounting" type of thoughts.) Just anonymous, hot, archetypal characters fucking in various stock sexual scenarios. I rarely even…
That's what I thought, but I can't recall the last time I saw a grown man with obvious freckles. It may simply be anecdotal/lack of observational skill son my part, of course.
Here ya go!
Thank you for confirming this! I now feel less crazy.
Gotcha. The tan element makes sense. I was tempted to write it all off to makeup, but that didn't explain the men.
Ha! I love your perspective, mine has been the opposite. I think it was getting older and starting to have a more outsider perspective that suddenly made all the old traditions and "magicky magicky!" stuff I used to love suddenly seem SUPER weirdo. One day I took it all in stride, the next it all seemed just a wee…