Sounds like his denigration of writing was perhaps the least of his failings, there. Yeushhh. Sorry. All the sad faces.
Sounds like his denigration of writing was perhaps the least of his failings, there. Yeushhh. Sorry. All the sad faces.
Oh god, i can't believe I missed that, then. Def watched that show. Although it was mostly for Dawson, because he will always be Dawson to me!!! And I enjoyed that JV seemed a good sport about that.
Wait... what show?? Because I like what it is putting down, but don't recognize.
Hehe. I was approached once in a Vegas casino by a young kid who said he wanted me to be in his video. He was adorable, but I didn't take him seriously and thought, "aw, that's a new pickup line."
I loved Girlfriends, but unfamiliar with Single Ladies (or the Game, for that matter) so will look if I can beef up my Netflix queue, thx!
Sanford and Son. Good Times. Nell. The Jeffersons. What's Happening!! Amen. 227. Living Single. A Different World. Hangin' With Mr. Cooper. The Cosby Show. Family Matters. Malcolm & Eddie. Roc. Martin. The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Girlfriends. The Hughleys. (Hon mntn: The White Shadow. Diff'rent Strokes. …
Ironic that it's a company from AUSTIN, maybe, but "we speak Amurrican here!" is not exactly an unusual sentiment in Texas.
Y'know what I don't want Sciencey People to ever develop, ever never?
Perhaps a letter from the perspective of a character mourning the dead girl and discussing what other options she had might be safer? "write a letter — from the POV of one of the dead girl's sisters — explaining their reaction to her suicide, and all the reasons they believe she had to live.
Just wish the didn't use that creepy voiceover! "Until now, pregnancy has been all about her, so that's why at Huggies we did something special to compensate fathers..."
Dorks make the best parents.
I fucking love that you went to koi ponds.
It's a loaded term that everyone defines differently. I'm not a fan of it, as a result.
Better than zero chance that maroonka is Angelique. Every few weeks a new account pops up in the gawkerverse explicitly to push that link, and with very specific accompanying language.
Understood, and kudos for at least trying with tumblr.
I wonder if sending that email to a legal authority (or cc-ing them) might be more effective? I suppose it would depend on how explicit the threats were...
I agree. There's something particularly targeted and controlling about an attack of this nature that takes it beyond a vicious beating, and I fully support some addition and specific charge for it.
I wasn't conflating them, I was agreeing that the murder charge is problematic and pondering what other charge would be a better fit. The consent issue I spoke of was simply because I'm hugely into bodily autonomy and it informs how I see most issues and which side I support (sterilization, euthanasia, etc.) Even in…
Sadly, common sense and agendas are perpetual strangers. The crime needs to be punished and marked in its own way, but clearer wording would be better for all. Someone mentioned Forced Abortion upthread, that sounds like a decent start.