
Oh, I grasp all of that, trust me. There's just a difference between how someone should be "allowed" to plead, and how someone chooses to plead. He's responsible for his decision to fight these charges. People do heinous things, often hoping they will not get caught. When they ARE caught, red handed, and still

Agree with all points, and the switch to more clearly making the mother the injured party makes a great deal of sense.

That's a much better terminology, thanks. (And, I also hate Nazis. In case we're keeping track.)


heeehhhee, sorry, your phrasing cracked me up. A) do not look it up, and B) don't sweat it, it's a rare but actually very helpful procedure.

What charge would you prefer? I agree that this one feels dangerous in a slippery slope way, but also recognize that a person forcing a miscarriage against a woman's will is egregious and a special kind of abuse.

Not guilty? NOT GUILTY?? Is that based upon an insanity plea?

I am now sad. My delivery was kinkier than most, my doc TOTALLY fisted me (aka bimanual compression) and yet, no orgasm.

Oh shit, that's fabulous. So true. Huge fan and find him bizarrely sexy, but I'm now getting a giggle out of picturing him slowly using that "tourniquet" as a garotte instead, and calmly saying all the right things ("hang in there champ, help is on the way") in front of the spellbound crowd... while, in reality, hold

Ha, thanks. Was your mom Texan or Southern by any chance? That's generally where I hear it, other than old-timey TV reruns.

Well, I loved my trainer, which I'm sure helped. But mostly I loved how physically balanced it is (learning to use your fists, elbows, knees, shins and feet equally as defensive weapons — we're talking whole body, basically) while at the same time being fairly simple to grasp. EXCELLING at it is a different matter,

The only time I have an issue with this is when the death of the female character exists solely as an excuse for the male protagonist to have a Vengeful Hero's Journey. In those cases, the woman is rarely given any detail because she is effectively Stunt Vagina, and the male lead's consequent desire for masculine

My first reaction, too ... although my second was, "owwww, her baaaaaaack".

My pleasure! (I actually didn't realize it was on Netflix Instant, sweet!)

You have a lot on your plate, burn out is normal, no? Passion ebbs and flows naturally, but is there something about your major and/or projected field of work that originally excited you that you can reconnect with again in some way?

(Semi-related: I think that was the last movie I really enjoyed Keira Knightly in. Pretty much a top-to-bottom great cast of performances.)

Just save and reread the many threads that pop up here every weekend to the effect of, "I should quit this shitty job and go back to school." Could help to remind you that grass is often greener looking on the other side than it actually is?

I. Fucking. Love. Muay. Thai.

"Are you on Viagra? You seem like you'd need it. Girls can tell."