
Is that in discussion?? I haven't been following, but he would be amazing. He's suave, funny, smart and dorky all at once.

Haven't seen that one yet, thanks for the rec.

D'oh, forgot to add my own. Have to think about it for the men, but for the ladies I have my eye on Yaya Acosta but she's still a bit too new/inexperienced to be sure of her skill level. My nominees are Naomie Harris (KILLED it, and me, in 28 Days Later, she needs to be in ALL THE THINGS), and then a tie between

Holy shit, that's fascinating. Do you know the name of it? That would be a community I'd love to read more about.


Wait... what? WHAT?

I LOVE YOUR WORK. Seriously. The hubs and I are saving towards getting a ranch, and I spend my free hours swooning online over barns, prefab small home designs and the companies that specialize in them, and all the outbuildings we dream of accruing over time. I suspect we will try (and fail hilariously) to build

Agreed. Nope, nope, nope. This makes me rashy and panicky just to think about.

Carpentry is definitely creative! Also: a skill. Excellent combo.

"We'd like to think our 9 year old selves would say "fuck yeah" if they could see us now."

I say this gently and with love as a fellow creative, but... that sounds a LOT more like her fear of failure and "imposter syndrome" at work (consciously or otherwise) than preciousness about her work.

Your use of "fellow" is fabulous passive aggressive dismissiveness, here. Good show.

Some really questionable ink. And, apparently, insouciance.

I didnt find him very attractive in his youth, but he appears to be one of those lucky souls who get sexier with age. The increased confidence, perhaps?

I was secretly just hoping that you're living a very colorful life and had a different perspective on scale, here.

Dude- this whole story is so bizarre. The lengths she went to to frame her husband are way beyond a normal range.

Gah, that surgery sounds so scary (any infant surgery, really) and I'm sorry you all had to go through it, but I hope your wee one is well.

Thanks for sharing this, I (unsurprisingly!) cosign every word. Especially the part about loving and feeling gratitude for the great kid and spouse in my life.

Ugh, lots of empathy, I had that as well. Mine went away about a month before delivery, fortunately... at about the same time my hands turned into motherfucking claws. Neat-o! By that point I was so used to the procession of shit that I barely mentioned it to my OB/GYN, who took one look, walked into the hall and

There needs to be more of this line of discussion. The Beautiful Earth Mother trope is so ingrained, I think many men and women think the negatives of pregnancy are "cute" discomforts. And for some, they are.