AHHHH, but by an elegant twist of coincidence, that kiosk also sells a tee shirt that proclaims, "I am insecure with my masculinity. I'm probably a very selfish and unsuccessful lover."
AHHHH, but by an elegant twist of coincidence, that kiosk also sells a tee shirt that proclaims, "I am insecure with my masculinity. I'm probably a very selfish and unsuccessful lover."
"Anyone that's not a jock, socialite, cheerleader or wannabe punk (the posers) are pretty much nerds"
Holy shit, the one from the kid whose mother botched his haircut (accidentally? I suspect not) is amazing, but the winner for sheer lack of self awareness is the Alex Vega dude, who laments in April that his "girl" has — inexplicably, I tell you!! — left him for a man with four kids... and then, two months later, he…
I like your world. Am applying for (interplanetary?) Visa.
Yeah. culturally she's certainly taking an unexpected route, although (anecdotally) I've met and liked a handful of men in my life who made it clear they would never seriously date me (or any woman) who wasn't "X" (black, Sikh, Jewish).
Well, handshake across the interwebs from a commiserating stranger! I have a similar story to yours (suspect most of us do, sadly) and holy shit, reading the stuff where she has supposedly now turned on her parents is so heartbreaking, right?? Too many feels. Of all the shite I'm reading that I hope is false, that's…
Agreed, and I'm leery of attempting any firm diagnostics of Bynes specifically anyway, given that we're all just armchair gossip column readers... but, now that people are tempted to assassinate her character and call her a racist fetishist (with some cause) I get a bit squicked and feel it's worth raising ye olde…
I know it's because the smiling/nonthreatening California Blonde aesthetic has been marketed hard to me over the years, but dammit I can't help it, I love this woman's face.
Deciding you think men from other races are sexy: congratulations, you have eyes and a rational brain.
You have ruined chicklets for me. RUINED, i say.
Holy shit, that made my day.
I'm guessing that this is how he knew (see below) and that we should pay him the respect of at least contemplating that a man in his condition, with his access and money, may have pushed to answer the question, "how did I get this". And that he and his doctors may know more about his personal condition than your…
No, no. CLOSE. But, it's clearly "SHARE MY HOOKAH", and is intended as a high level extension of the "peace pipe"/ olive branch, and an invitation to your enemy to join you in healthy debate.
Except our butts. Because our butts have just been schooled.
Ughhh. I think he told the world everything we need to know about him when he thought that hitting on his daughter at his ex's funeral was a charming anecdote to share.
I can only hope so, because then she would have been a sexy, sexy REBEL.
Thank you for sharing that. I can't imagine how horrible it would be to suffer that sort of loss, and I'm so sorry your wife lost her battle. There really does need to be more public conversation about these damn diseases. My HPV is the cervical-cancer causing variety, I have had it for years (I have a diminished…
"Would buy again" just made me snort so hard I have nasal-hair related internal injuries. So, thanks for that, is what I'm saying. Also: I dig the cut of your man-friend's jib (as opposed to his giblets, which is your business) and my husband was equally supportive-yet-respectful.