
GIF jail = the best jail.

Oh, and I should add — as someone who walked away from a killer position (one many in my field fight their whole career to hope to attain) because my boss was an asshat when I was a new mom — make your husband a meaningful part of this conversation.

Ugh. That nipple comment is so gross, I think I just threw up in YOUR mouth.

Does your boss know you are pregnant yet? If so, has his attitude changed in any way? From your description it sounds like he is a belligerent misogynist, so depending upon his view of mothers he may become worse, or step back slightly (or fire you without cause because he thinks a gestating lady can't go the job).

I was obsessed with hockey for about four years (the Flyers specifically, until around about the time MacTavish left) but then my love for it just... went away. Very strange.

Y'know, as soon as I hit publish, I remembered (from other posts of yours) that you were of the menfolk tribe. But yes, switching the genders still works: the key factor is not to invite anyone that will bogart your beer and pizza.

Great link, that's an amazingly creative, and hopefully effective, ad campaign. (Although part of me wonders if it will also promote some unconscious sexualization of motherhood.)

I misread your last line as, "can I get a man", and thought: why would you need to? you have beer, pizza and hockey!!

Orrr, have they kicked you out?? Outcast! Unclean!

The slapsticky "ha ha gross fatties are bad at sex" aspect of it aside, that scene with Schmidt and Nick was so goddam hilarious, and oddly sweet.

Two questions:

I totally thought that was a badass face tattoo until I saw a closer picture. Just bangs. I am disappoint.

Gotcha. Nope, we sound like we're in agreement on all pts.

If it's true that a fellow tenant complained to management that Bynes was smoking pot in common areas, that seems more than "maybe smokes pot".

Okay, I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't catch that it was a joke! People concoct some weird ass cancer-cures, so that one actually didn't sound too outlandish.

HPV is an obnoxious, fickle, determined bitch. I say that as someone with a resistant cancer-causing strain. It's really, really helpful when well known and highly visible people mention that their cancer is related to HPV.

As I mentioned elsewhere: it is an equal argument for women to turn down BJs, especially swallowing. It balances out!

It also gives the partners of those men and equal argument against BJs, and especially against swallowing.

I'm reading it differently — that he's saying his form of throat cancer is caused by HPV which is transmitted ("comes about") via cunnilingus.

Thank you, I appreciate the input. Sad situation all around.